The Man in the Mask

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"Wake up.  Wake up"

Foggy felt someone kick the back of his chair.

"Fuck!" he groaned.  His head was throbbing from a mixture of dehydration from his hangover and the dull throb from landing on his coffee table.  He didn't have the energy to open his eyes he just called out "Karen. Karen.  Have you any of those headache tablets that you keep in your drawer?"

His head was thumping.  He slowly opened his eyes and lifted his head up.  Squinting slightly waiting for his eyes to adjust to the dark room.  He tried to move but found his legs were tied together and his arms were tied behind his back.

"Fuck!" he repeated.  "Where the hell am I?"

"We thought at one stage you weren't going to wake up at all"

"Oh man.  I wish I hadn't now.  So it wasn't a dream?"

"No Mr. Nelson it very much wasn't a dream"


Matt was pacing his office floor.  Karen was sat at her desk scrolling through Foggy's phone.

"Anything unusual?  Any texts, phone numbers, phone calls?  Anything from last night?"

"No, nothing out of the ordinary.  You know him longer than me.  Maybe you might recognise his contacts"

"Who was the last person to call him?"


"No.  Before that"


"Karen. Before that again" he said waving his finger in a spiral direction, trying not to sound impatient.

"Marci, then your police officer friend Sargent Brett Mahoney.  There's nothing unusual here at all, its just family and friends"

"Any texts, voicemail" he sighed "I don't know Karen."  He stopped pacing and rested his hands on his hips.  "I know Foggy a very long time but he would never go off by himself without telling me. It's just not right.  Something is off here.  Really off and I don't like it"

Foggy's phone suddenly started to ring making Karen and Matt jump

"Who is it?" Matt asked

Karen checked the caller ID.  A photo of a woman who looked a lot like Foggy appeared on the display with mom written below.

"It's his mother" she said handing the phone to Matt.  "I don't know her as well as you do, you should answer it"

Matt took the phone from Karen

"Hello....... Mrs. Nelson yes its Matt.... It has been too long...... I am well thanks..... I am eating fine..... No, I never did get that dog, I don't need one, no matter what Foggy says...... Foggy, em, he's not here at the moment. He's just stepped out, gone to the courtroom to get some notes on a case we are working on together...... Yes that's right, he left his phone on the desk, very clever of him..... I'll tell him you called. Love to the family...... I'll get him to ring you as soon as I can....... I would love to come for a weekend......... It has been too long........ No that's a myth about lawyers we don't all lie. I will come....... Yes really........... I have to go there's a client at the door" he moved the phone aside and turned to the door so his voice was away from the phone. "Be right with you, just on the phone." Turning back to the phone he said to Mrs Nelson "I really have to go I will tell him you called...... Okay yes, okay bye Mrs.Nelson"

He handed the phone back to Karen.

"Do you think she bought it?"

"You are the lawyer, it sounded convincing to me but then as you say all lawyers don't lie" she smiled

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