Chapter 1

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"Annie if you gonna sit here all day and mope about how we are moving to New Jersey than at least pack some boxes," my mom says.

"Sorry, it's just hard to be happy when I have to leave all my friends and tell them by tomorrow!!" I snap back.
This week is my last week
in Ohio. My dad just got a new job and is being transferred so my younger sister, sage, and I are having a tough time with the fact that we are leaving the place we were born and raised in.
"Annie, you can't joke about things like that," my best friend Hayley says as she isn't processing the words coming out of my mouth.
"Hales I'm being serious."
Hayley and I have been inseparable from kindergarten to junior year in high school and the thought of me having to leave her brings me to tears.
"I'm sorry I have to leave you but I promise I will always come to visit and text you 24/7!!" I say and I burst out the waterworks. She joins in on the crying. I know this sounds very corny but it's true. Hayley and I were there for each other since we were 6 and I can't think of a day we didn't spend together.
"Where are you going??!!" She anxiously asks.
"I'm going near the beach. It's in Greenville," I reply with disappointment.
We pout some more and decide to make our last days we have together the best.
"FaceTime every night," Hayley says as my dad and mom were packing up the last of our things in the car.
"Promise," I say and get in the car along with sage, who by the way is 11.
We finally arrive to our new home in jersey after 9 hours of being stuck in this car. But of course we took some breaks here and there. I immediately run in the house to check out my new room. It was A LOT bigger than my old one.
" I think I could get used to this" I say with a smirk.
Since the beach was so close I thought maybe I could go on the boardwalk since it is summer and I should be doing something entertaining. I put my hair up in a bun and change into a white flounce bikini and some jean shorts.
I walk the 10 minute walk even though I had my license already since I was older than everyone else in my class. When I get there I instantly get some ice cream and start texting Hayley. As I'm strolling in the intense heat I look up and find my self standing in front of a boy surrounded by 3 girls. He looks up and sees me and widely smiles. I turn my head and walk the other way. What a pimp, I think to myself. But I must say that he was very cute...

A/n: hey guys so this is my first story and I hope u guys like it so far!! I promise it gets better!!

A Shawn Mendes fanfiction: Jersey with MendesWhere stories live. Discover now