Q&A with Answers!

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"And reunion tapping live in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1."

"Welcome to an early reunion of His SLUT, we might have another reunion before this series ends."The Host Pinkie said smiling and looking into her cameras, they had two couches on the stage for cast members and other members were sitting in out with the audience.

"Doing this series, there has been secret camera's everywhere filming your every move. Let's preview this season before asking questions!"She said as they began to roll the tapes of this season showing happy, embarrassing, and crazy moments of His SLUT.

Blue3131 asked Lira:
"Would you ever take Toni back after what he did? Because after all he is the baby's daddy?"

You lowkey asked a question then answered it but Haha, I don't know you will just have to wait and see how @Pinkiestar1 ends this book. I never give second chances though but he is my kid's father.

"You never give second chances, that's funny as fuck yo! You be getting niggas second chances at that pussy though, but you ain't hear it from me."Toni mumbles loudly, everyone heard him even their audience's. They were full blown shocked he even said that, they whispered back and forward ohhh'ing and ahhh'ing.

Asata123456 ask Lira:
Are you and Toni getting back together? Cause you guys are so cute.

Lira answers with:
"We'll see. And thank you, I know I'm cute."Lira said smiling, Toni shook his head.

Blue3131 asked Toni:
"Do you think you was wrong for what you did to lira? Even though, she was a hoe and she had intercourse with Rick Ross?"

Toni answers with:
I will 100% admit I was wrong for all of my wrongdoings, I should've paid more attention to her and stopped gracie. But I knew how Lira was before I got with her so, her hoeness wasn't really shocking to me. Many fuck Rick Ross fat ass, he just wanted some pussy and she was crazy enough to give it to him. But that's none of my business, I have tea to sip."Toni said being petty and actibg like he was sipping his tea, lira just shook her head at him.

"Nigga, you better be happy security around me. I'll beat your white ass, for real man."Rick said about to stand up but security stopped him. Toni waved his hand, he wasn't scared of no Rick Ross.

"You just mad you ain't getting this pussy anymore,"Lira said pausing to flip her hair over her shoulders but Alexis Sky jumped in.

"You really think he wants everybody's pussy though? Bitch bye, no walls having ass bitch."Alexis said laughing, and everybody continues to ohhh and ahhh.

"Bitch, I might be carrying two but I swear, when I put these hands on you it'll feel like three kicking your ass. You ain't nothing but a BOTHERED was bitch but that's alright cause you getting mad while we getting rich."Storm said clapping her hands while sitting on the edge of the couch, lira wasn't going to let her pregnant sister fight nor get worked up while carrying her babies.

"Alexis, be quiet."Toni whispered, he wasn't having storm go into premature labor or anything with his babies.

JaiiexxProductionz asked Lira:
"Do you like Females?"

Lira answers with:
Sure, of course. I love the MALE part of Fe but overall, research shows no girl is straight. Just saying.

"Lira likes anything that fucking walks. It sickens me, surprised she hasn't caught anything yet."Aunt Taylor said snickering, everyone lowkey laughed.

"You know what? I won't be clapping back at some bitter ass old bitches, y'all just miserable as fuck. Ain't got no husbands or shit, barely got kids. Wanna talk down on me but your own fucking sons don't like neither of your asses. What the fuck? You fucking kid me yo!"Lira said standing and squirming hitting her head a bit, everyone laughed. They were laughing at Lira's comments.

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