Volume 5

65 3 0

Part 5👍🏻
Good luck pikas ❤️

Big as a biscuit, deep as a cup, even a river can't fill it up ... What is it?

This five letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it.

I'm there once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years.. Who am I?

I am the start of nothing, and the end of sun and I am also in the number one.. What am I?

There are two sisters: one gives birth to the other and she in return, gives birth to the first. Who are the two sisters?

A young woman is attending her mother's funeral. While there, she meets a man she has never seen before and falls in love immediately. After the funeral she tries to find him but cannot. Several days later she kills her sister. Why does she kill her sister?

This old one runs forever, but never moves at all. He has no lungs, nor a throat, But you can hear his mighty roaring call.

A chicken gives meat and egg while cow gives us milk. Find another who gives us all these?

A mother is 21 years older than her child. In 6 years the mother will be 5 times older than her baby.

Under pressure is the only way I work,
and by myself is the only way I'm hurt.

The letter "M"
The letter "N"
Day and night
In hopes that the man would be at the funeral o.o
A waterfall
A shopkeeper lol
With the mother
A diamond

How many did you get right?🤔💘

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