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Nicole Evans as Nina Dobrev
Lucy Mccall as Taissa Farmiga


I brushed the strong scented black polish onto my long narrow finger nails as I waited for the rest to dry, my friends always picked on me for the length of my nails but I couldn't stand not having perfectly lengthen and polished fingernails

My mom pushed open my bedroom door without knocking to tell me that it was time to get going for school. "Mom you know I don't like it when you knock! I could've been changing or even worse, Naked!" I argued as she rolled her eyes, We've been over this conversation plenty of times yet she still doesn't respect my privacy. My parents were so strict and so nosey, always interrogating as to where my where-abouts or my siblings'. They always flipped out when I had a grade below an A and god forbid I'd say the word 'boyfriend' in front of them.

I grabbed my car keys and headed out the door, I then arrived at school and parked my car in the usual parking spot. I walked down the crowded halls and I spotted Joshua, my boyfriend and made my way to him. "Hey do you want to go watch a movie with me on Friday, I heard that movie the boy is sick." He shifted uncomfortably, "I can't" He said with an unreadable face. "What do you mean you can't?" I questioned, He's been cancelling on me a lot lately and I have to find out what's going on. "I mean, I can't Nicole." He spats. "Are you ... are you breaking up with me?" The words spill out, my voice is almost unrecognizeable. "Take it as you want Nicole, look I'm going to be late to class...sorry bye" He mutters.

I can't believe he just dumped me. I make my way to english and forget all about that papaer that was due today. I sink low into my seat when Mr. Cami asks "Who wants to read their paper next?" and hope that he doesn't acknowledge my presence but knowing my shitty luck he calls on me. "Ahhh Nicole.. Why don't you come up in front of the class and share your paper." He says and all eyes on me as my cheeks flame from the embarrassment. "I uhm, I don't have it?" I say as a statement but it ends up sounding more as a question.

"What do you mean you don't have it? I gave you two weeks to work on this, not to mention all the time in class that was spent. What were you doing this whole time we were working on it?" He questions

"I don't know.." I say in a high pitch voice.
The bell rings.
"Oh no you don't Nicole, You're going to stay so we can talk about this paper." He says in annoyance as I watch the rest of the class exit out the doors.
"So why exactly haven't you completed that essay?"
I stare at him blankly trying to think of a good excuse but I know I don't have one so I just state the truth.

"I just haven't been feeling well lately, ya know? I tried to do the assignment but my brain just wouldn't function. I just starred at the computer screen hoping to become smart and well that didn't happen." I let the words speak for themselves.

He gives me a pity look then continues "Well You needed to complete that paper because it counted as your final and now your grade is ... pretty bad. It looks like you won't be graduating in time with all of your friends." He says.

What? No!!

"No ! Mr. Cami you have to give me another chance to make up this assignment! I need to graduate this year! 2016!!! Please!" I beg.

He stays silent till he finally nods and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Thank you Mr. Cami" i say as I rush out of the room to lunch, I bump into lucy as I sit my chicken grilled salad on the table. "Lucy you cannot believe my day today! It's horrible! Oh how I hate my life!" My parents won't stop interrogating me, they're basically breathing down my neck. And joshua just broke up with me! I thought he loved me, He said he'd always be there for me but now he fucking left. Not to mention I might not even graduate on time. I have no motivation what so ever to do this anymore!" I complain to lucy.

"I have an idea, Let's switch bodies." She says

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2016 ⏰

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