Of Bombs and Broken Hearts Or Is It All Just a Dream?

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Warnings: Married!USUK, Franada, references of FrUK, SuFin, War, Slight Swearing, Some Kissing Scenes, Headcanons, Human Names? (Whoooaaa that's a lot umm..)

Rating: T

Author's Notes: Alright! First Hetalia fic! Round of applause! *yaaaaaay woo* Umm.. not much to say here. Just trying to get out of writer's block and I thought: "I've been obsessed with USUK lately... and my Portal fic is going nowhere due to writer's block... let's write a USUK fanfiction!" It's based off the roleplays me and my friend has been doing. England = your's truly. :) Yeah, I know, kinda lame.. We still try our best to be in character and historically accurate. I'm sorry if you see flaws. However, if you do, please tell me! When life gives you lemons, - GET MAD - make apple juice -AND BURN LIFE'S HOUSE DOWN!-

Chapter 1 - Start A War

'We expected something

Something better than before

We expected something more

Do you really think you can just put it in a safe

Behind a painting, lock it up and leave?

Do you really think you can just put it in a safe

Behind a painting, lock it up and leave?'

June 30, 2013. Approximately 47 years, 10 monthes, and 12 days left.

"Three more days..." They fluttered open, face smushed against the window. He groggily untangled himself out of his seat belt and slowly eased open the door.

The man seated next to him chuckled softly. "Counting down, are we?" He jumped out enthusiastically, speeding to his side and spun around his back facing him. "Piggy back ride?"

"Mm." He refrained from moving for a moment before accepting the offer. "Sure, husband." The man let him ease on top of him, the soles of his shoes meeting his held out palms and his arms wrapping around the man's neck. He rested his head on his shoulder. "Who wouldn't, really? Every woman's dream... except I'm not one."

The man smirked, turning his head at him over his shoulder. "You're better." He exited the garage and walked up the path in content silence until they reached his private house and stopped in front of the door. "Hey babe? Can you unlock the door?"

"Hold on." The man on his back reached into his pockets and pulled out the silver keys that lead them inside. It took a few tries, but eventually he was able to insert the keys through.

"Thanks, Artie." He smiled brightly, carrying him in with ease and kicking the door closed. Alfred skidded to the couch and flipped Arthur over before sitting down beside him, Arthur straddling him.

The Brit laid his head on Alfred's shoulder tiredly, closing back his eyes. They shared a few moments of silence; after all, they had just come back from birthday shopping with Francis. They were worn out.

"...Fifty years from now.." Alfred relaxed his body, staring up at the ceiling as Arthur spoke. "...you think we'll still be married?"

Alfred looked absolutely shocked, turning his head to look at him. "OF COURSE!"

Arthur scoffed at the boy's reaction. "Perhaps I'm a bit of a pessimistic."

"Don't be!" Alfred leaned over and pecked his nose with an assuring grin. "Everything's gonna be fine!"

"If only..."

"There ya go again." Alfred slapped his leg staring at him. "The hero's here, and no matter what happens Alfred F. Jones will always and forever love Arthur Kirkland."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2013 ⏰

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