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The bus ride to school was kinda fun my buddy Jabez always had a way of making me laugh even when I'm mad. I got off the bus anxious to see ana. I walked Into breakfast to meet up with my usual crowd. I noticed that the cafeteria was quieter than it normally is. So I looked around to at everyone to figure out what was going on only to find everyone looking at me and whispering and snickering. "Aye y'all wassup with everybody looking at me and stuff". Katie cleared her throat and said "It's a roomer going around that your gay and you have crush on ana". I we taken back by what she said how could have anyone have known. But I couldn't let them know that I liked her so I had denie it. So I walked up and stood on the chair in the center of the cafeteria and clapped my hands rely loud to get everyone's attention. Once they all looked at me o spoke.
" I don't know where y'all are getting this roomer From that I was gay and that I liked and but it needs to stop I'm not gay and I don't like ana I barely know her so let correct our selves on that thank you very". I did getting down off the chair and walking back to my friends. "Did that answer your curiosity". Nobody said any thing so I turned to walk to class with my closest friend Sinai. I could tell she didn't believe a word I said I wanted to tell her the truth but I didn't want her to judge me or unfriend me so I would have to wait for the perfect time to tell her because she was the main person I trusted and I didn't want to lose her. The thought kept running though my head. How could have someone have figured out that I have a crush on Ana. Only two people know and I know they wouldn't tell anyone. Well maybe I was making it completely obvious. I don't understand but hopefully they were convinced. Because my image and reputation would be destroyed but that's my problem. I always worry about what everyone else thinks of me. I need to start not caring about what others people say because at the end of the day and nobody going to be down for me but me. So I'm gonna start keeping to myself and thinking about about me and my future. Like my mom used to always tell me "When the time comes the people you call your friends will leave you when it come that certain time where you need help. And there are just going to look at you crazy leave you sitting like a bump on a log because they never really cared about you they were just using you to get popular just around and they wanted
You to make the laugh". But I'm not gonna let that happen to me though I'm going to take that advice and run with it and never let go. I came up with a life quote that I'll always remember. "loyalty only comes to the ones who deserve it and will give it back".

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