tag V

131 6 13

I was tagged by Creative_Freak

Do you like someone?
Yes, Ansel Elgort and please include Cameron Dallas.

Do they like you back?

Middle name?
I don't have one :)

Last person I texted
My bestfriend :D

Last song you listened to?
Drag Me Down-1D

Battery percentage?
79% HAHAHA(idk what's so funny)

Closest guy friend?
Idk, our group of close bestfriends consist mostly of boys. XD

Why did you create this account?
To read,to express myself,to inspire some through writing :)
I hope some of my works helped you
. ❤

Current lockscreen?
Oh glad you ask this, a selfie of my bestfriend. ( she borrowed my phone changed the lockscreen,when I opened my phone then BOOM! she always do this XD)

I tag wonder1238 ky0524 VioletEden simplyGia detraquex to do this.

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