One Shot Request #1

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Requested by: @XyliaArreola

I hope this story goes to your liking and thanks for requesting!!

Aido x Elena

Both Aido and Elena were sitting on a small blanket near the school grounds on the grassiest spot of the whole school. The sun wasn't at all that bright which made Aido happy to know that he could out with Elena.

He looked at the said girl with a small grin on his face. Elena noticed and rose a brow. "What's wrong?" She asked the fanged boy with confusion and placed a strand of her hair behind her ear. Aido looked away a blushed at her cuteness.


"Cmon, tell me." Elena urged on and placed both of her hands on Aido's lap. Aido sighed and looked at Elena with the red hue on his cheeks growing rapidly. He loved the girl in front of him a lot. Just one touch sent shivers throughout his body. Aido placed his slightly sweaty palms on top of Elena's and stared into her (e/c) eyes.

"You're just so cute I couldn't help but stare. I really love you Elena. Don't forget that." Elena smiled and pecked Aido's lips. "I love you too." A smile grew on Aido's lips as he placed them on Elena's luscious labium. Their lips moved slowly but lovingly, making every second sweeter and more passionate.

Aido wrapped his arms around Elena's firm hips and deepened the kiss. He felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around his neck, securing their hold. Both lovers soon parted and stared deeply into each other's eyes. Elena smiled sweetly when Aido had a large blush coating not only his cheeks, but his nose as well.

Aido kissed Elena's cheek and rested his head in the crook of her neck, smelling the scent of her light dose of perfume. He didn't mind it but he favoured the smell of her blood. It was sweetly scented and it just made Aido even more crazy in ardency.

His stomach growled at the thought, making Elena giggle. Aido parted from the girl and looked into her eyes once again. Elena knew he was thirsty but was a bit worried that the smell of the perfume will make Aido queasy at the scent. Not thinking about it too much, Elena moved her hair out of the way so her neck was exposed.

Aido gazed hungrily at her neck before plunging his fangs through the soft flesh. He drank the blood he craved for, making sure to take little sips at a time as to not make Elena a little light headed. He parted his lips from her neck even though he wanted to drain a little more quite badly. Elena looked at a Aido a little confused.

"Why'd you stop?"

Aido looked up at the girl with a sad smile. "I don't want to hurt you." Elena smiled back and locked her lips onto Aido's blood coated ones. It wasn't at all bad with the blood lingering around but Elena wanted Aido.

And Aido wanted Elena.

They both parted after the short kiss and placed their foreheads together. "I really love you Elena. Your blood always manages to drive me crazy. One little sip and I'm all for it. I really need to start getting used to the blood tablets." Elena looked at Aido with a sad expression and wrapped her arms around his waist. Aido returned the hug and soon they were both resting their backs against the blanket in each other's arms.

"You can have as much as you want. I love you Aido, even if you make me a little jealous when you flirt with other girls." She admitted shyly and hid her face against Aido's chest in embarrassment. She could hear Aido smirk as he kissed her forehead. "Cute. I don't like to admit but I get kinda jealous when you hand out with Kaname-sama so.."

Elena giggled cutely and lifted her head to meet Aido's blue orbs. Aido really loved this girl. She belonged to him and only him. Even if he has to disrespect Kaname, just to get Elena to notice him and not some other vampire. He honestly did loved this girl.


It's short, I know. But I guess it's kinda sweet >.>

I hope you enjoyed and liked the one shot. I apologise if it's bad but I had a little hard time trying to find the right setting and I got stuck with this. I hope it's good enough and feel free to request.

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