Ch. 1

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* Joey's pov *


Good morning everyone! Happy Monday yay! Ha I'm kidding I hate Monday's as much as you guys do. Well it's a nice day today in L A . And today I'm going to go and visit Meghan!! Hopefully we watch anime, I haven't watched anime in a long time. Anyways.... I guess I'll vlog when I'm at Meghan's, this is if I remember ha I'm just kidding. See you guys later!
*turns off camera*
I'm really glad I get to see Meghan today, I haven't seen her in a long time. She told me that she's gonna have a friend over. Hopefully they're not mean. She told me his name is Daniel, yes, I believe that is what his name is.
I start getting ready to go to Meghan's place, I eat breakfast, shower, do my hair, brush my teeth, and get dressed.  And I'm on my way.
Once I've arrived at Meghan's I notice a car parked here that I've never seen. Hmm... Must be her friend. He must be here already. I start getting closer to her front door and I actually feel a bit nervous, what if her friend is mean to me, I've never really had guy friends. Most guys just bully me, and say mean things to me.  I ring her doorbell and only wait a couple of seconds till she opens the door.

Meghan: Hey Joey! So glad you made it! *hugs*

Joey: hey Meghan! And why would I not come! You're my bestfriend I'm always here if you need me.

Meghan: thanks Joey, come inside. Daniel is in the living room waiting.

Joey: okay let's go.

Meghan and I walk to her living room and I just keep getting nervous, what if he's mean? What if he won't like me? It's really hard for me to make guy friends. You just never know what might happen. Meghan and I are getting closer, I see him. I see his head, he's watching tv. Meghan talks to him and he stands up right away and turns to face me

Meghan: Daniel , Joey is here.

Daniel: nice to meet you Joey, Meghan talks so much about you.

Joey: ha, thanks.

Oh boy let me tell you, he is tall, nice hair, nice teeth, nice eyes. His smile is everything. Wait? What am I doing?! I'm thinking about him... I can't! I just met this guy for god sakes Joey! He could be a bitch.


Hey guys lol. Sorry the first chapter sucked, I didn't know what to write lol.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2016 ⏰

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