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"But-we're different genders..." Suddenly, the situation was becoming more real, more clear in her head. Every night, she was supported to sleep in the same room with a guy, Jessie nonetheless.

Mrs. Caravelle smiled. "I know that hun. But I can tell that both of you are very well mannered. I give you my word Rihanna that absolutely nothing will happened between the two of you. Isn't that right Jessie?"

She looked at Jessie, who swallowed and put on a fake smile.

"Yeah, nothing will happen."

Omg. I honestly don't think words can describe how much I hate this book

Yes I do. And I know this book is really popular so some people will probably be reading this with this expression

If I had to pick just one word to describe this is it's confuzzlement. Absolute and complete confuzzlement. And in case you don't know what confuzzlement means - its a greater sense of confusion.

Like you read the bio right? And you're probably thinking "Oh great another boy living with girl book" that's what I thought. Then you read the first page and you're like "wait what" then you keep read and you just get more and more confuzzled. And I know what everyone is thinking "Its supposed to be confusing!" But you're supposed to be thinking "I wanna read so I can find out what happens next." Not "why am I reading this again?"

And are we all gonna ignore the fact the Rihanna has mental issues?

Rihanna actually has proper mental issues. Not once was she given proper help. People hitting others and beating them to a pulp doesn't make you "savage" it makes you a dick. Plain and simple.

The beautiful angels and first class men are a joke. I dont feel like I need to even elaborate on that.

This book is seriously suffering from LOPA (lack of proper adults) and LOPP (lack of police officers). Seriously where were they when the knives thing was happening? I dont wanna spoil so I won't say anymore. If you wanna know what I mean then read the book.

Katerina's change of heart was ridiculous and wayy too quick. First she was calling her a bitch and slapping her then she was all of a sudden giggling and giving rihanna her room key.

How on earth did violet's adoptive parents never see her ears? Like what? All this time you never noticed the child you adopted had no ears? Sorry guys forgot to tell you about the spoiler. Ooops?

Why was every guy in this goddamn book in love with rihanna. Except the gay ones ofc but even they were sexually confused at first.

I'm sorry I know this is evil but the scene after Lexis finds out about Anthony's sickness is hilarious 😂😂. Lemme replay it. He dropped onto the floor and holding his head in his hands he screamed "Anthony! Noooo! I'm sorry Anthony" 😂😂 I can't.

Again where are all the adults in this book?? Seriously how come Lexis, summer or any of them never got expelled? Or even Idk jailed?

I hate how everyone thinks her life is their business. Like fuck off.

And seriously you mean to tell me that Lexis can throw knives and threaten to kill people but rihanna can't have a goddamn tattoo?

Why was there arranged marriages?😂 this is the 21st century like.

Seriously every damn person loves this girl. Even girls apparently -.-

What happened to the mail at the beginning? Oh and that one girl she met in the kitchen? And that one girl's mum? I seriously wanna know.

Why does Anthony talk like Nicholas sparks? I have a kid brother. Anthony's age. He's great really he is. But the shit Anthony was coming up with was just plain ridonculous(yes I am aware that isn't an actual English word). "Don't call me a kid. And yeah. I wish I was older. I wouldn't have let the sunlight touch the ground before you were mine." -.- who comes up with this shit.

For such a "prestigious" school that doesn't allow anyone to come in late, they really seem to let in just about anyone.

Why was everyone even so flipping concerned with marriage? They're like 17 -.- seriously you have like 10 years to worry bout that shit.

Why tf is Lexis her dad. That was one of the most unrealistic parts of this entire book. No 13/14 year would willingly give up their free time to take care of a child. In fact there are very few people even in their 20s that would do that. If everyone in this book was older it would've been a little bit more realistic.

The characters were nothing BUT their characteristics. The person who liked food. Literally there's was nothing else about him but food. It's like his entire life was food. Like goddamn I love food too but chill.

Rihanna is a fucking bitch. She thinks everyone is in love with her (kinda true but still) and she hits people whenever she wants. That is not OK. Like at all.

Why is everyones actions and reactions in this book so goddamn extreme all the time.

Lexis should not have that much time on his hands. Like seriously you cannot study anything in college and have that much time. And I dont know any person that studies medicine that regularly tortures people.

To be honest Lexis was incredibly abusive. Honestly I was kinda disturbed by their relationship. Seriously it pissed me the fuck off that people were "shipping" them. Like I can see that he 'loves' her i guess. But think about it. Doesn't every fucking abusive husband/boyfriend love their girl? They do. Yet the think its OK to physically and emotionally abuse them. Some of these girls know how to talk shit about leaving someone when they hit you or hurt you emotionally yet they "ship" relationships exactly like it. Like he's not being "dominant" he's being an ass. Simple as that. And honestly if you are desperate enough to like an asshole because they show the slightest bit of interest in you...then you dont even deserve someone who really and truly loves you. No offence.

They talk weird ;-; seriously their speeches were way too long and pukey. And it felt like I was ploughing through some textbook rather than reading for fun.

No one ever had crushes. It was all "love". Someone kisses someone and the next fucking day it was true love. Bruh. I understand there is that one out of like one million case where it was 'love at first sight' but it would've been nice if they weren't all unrealistic potrayals of "love".

Other than that it was a good book i guess.

What would I rate it?
3/10 because it did manage to confuse me.

Now if you read the book then leave your opinion. If not you should. Dont take my word for it.

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