Spin the bottle

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                         (Sleep over pt. 2)

"Let's play a game!!!" The twins exclaim enthusiastically...

"Game?" I asked half curious and half bored

"What kind of a game?" Haruhi asked -tsk- they force me to tell their first names (-_-#)

"The game is called..." Hikaru starts "SPIN THE BOTTLE!"  Kaoru finish.

"What is that game?" Tama-baka asked.

"Some commoner's game" I answer unamus at all... They look at me

"How'd you know Candy?" Mitsukuni -tsk- asked hugging Usa-chan tightly.

*Dug... Dug... Dug* <--- the sound of her heart.

"When I was young I always play those kind of games"

'Liar you just read that from your books!' shut up brain!

The host look at me with interest and curiosity in their eyes and then just shrug it off.

'Sad they can't tell you're lying or not how can they call themselves your friends?' once again shut up brain...

"Okay let's start" Hikaru said

"Wait! I don't know the rules!" Tama-baka exclaim

I face palm...

*After a few minutes of explaining the rules*

"I'll go first!" Tama-baka said while grinning... I'm guessing he wants the bottle to point at Haruhi so he could do some pervy stuff

He started to spin the bottle and it pointed to Kyouya... Tama-baka stiffen, clearly he is really disappointed... As much as I want to laugh I can't.

"Kyouya *sigh* Truth or dare?" Tama-baka asked

"Truth" Kyouya answered and then I saw Tama-baka grin.

"Do you like somebody?"  Tama-baka asked but Kyouya sigh and just shook his head simply saying 'no' and because of that answer Tama-baka went to his corner and mumbling things who know what.

"Okay I'm next" Kyouya spins the bottle and ended up to Mitsukuni

"Honey-senpai Truth or dare?" Kyouya asked. Mitsukuni think for awhile.

"Dare!" He answered cheerfully

I could've sworn Kyouya just smirk evilly.

"Very well then... I dare you to kiss Candy on a lips" I'll curse you later Kyouya

"What??!!"  Mitsukuni ask well more like a yell to me.

"Why? Something wrong with that Honey-senpai? You're her suitor"

I feel my face heat up... Mitsukuni went to me and kiss me

*Dug... Dug... Dug* shut up stupid heart! Mitsukuni ran to Takashi to hide his very bashful face.

"A-anyways... My turn!" Mitsukuni said 'trying' to be cheerful as he can get... He sit and now he looks perfectly fine

Key word: trying... He spins the bottle and ended up with Kaoru

An hour pass and we're still playing spin the bottle and luckily I never get to be pointed.

"Some luck you have Candy" Hikaru said obviously piss because I never been pointed. He started to spin the bottle and it ended up with Kyouya... I scoff. After Kyouya done what Hikaru said he spin the bottle and ended up with.

"Hahaha yes! Finally!" The host exclaim except Haruhi, Takashi and Kyouya

"Truth or dare?" Kyouya asked emotionlessly

"Truth" I said in a bored tone

"I'm really having an interest of you Candy... Every time I'm searching your profile my computer gets a virus... Weird... So just tell me a bit of your parents " I was shock from what he said... As bad memories flash through my eyes.


"You brat!" My father yell at and slap me...

"You're worthless We shouldn't have kept you!" My mother also yell at me and throw things at me

A five year old me couldn't move, I was traumatize, I was hugging Crane tightly  my body trembling while tears flowing out of my eyes.

"It was all your fault!" They shouted in unison and left... I heard a small bark coming at me.

"Crane... Shiro you're the only things I have left" I hug Crane and my dog name Shiro tightly

*End of flashback

"None of your business" The host look at me a very puzzle look...

"C'mon let's go to sleep" I fake a yawn and the Host couldn't do anything just to go to my room... Cause they new I will just give them a cold stare.

And yes they're going to sleep to my room. We only have two room, one from my parents and one from me and of course our room is really big.

I can't tell them about my parents. I hate opening up to people.

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