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My life is not that complicated. I sleep, get up, get ready for school, go to school, come home, try to do homework, then eat, sleep, and the whole thing gets started again. Sure, Im human, and sometimes things dont turn out the way Im programed, but the point is is that life as I know it is like a machine. The puppet who is a human. Everything planned out by my mother, my drunken, fucked up mother.

Sure, she may look all cute and innocent on the outside, with light brown straight hair going to her shoulders, and her nice little sexy outfit that made her look sixteen again, but on the inside, she could be the devil. Only I would know. If you ever get to meet her, my suggestion is to run away before she bits your head off. Unless you want her to be your prostitute. Now you understand why I say fucked up.

Every night, she brings a guy home. After doing this for a while, you tend to notice that all of them are clean, cut, and buisness men. They are the worst kind, because since they are away from home, they want to be fucked up real badly. I could hear them all the way upstairs, where my room is. I should be glad for my mom, at least she sounds happy, but most of the time, I find myself just hating her.

Not the hate that many people say, the "I hate you, but I still love you", that kind of hate where you love someone just as much as you hate them. So you have no motive to kill them, because you could never bring yourself up to it. Not many teenagers can sneak into their mom or dad's room and kill them without no guilt. Unless your crazy, or plain right evil. Either way, you have issues.

That morning, I awoke to my mother pounding on my door, screaming, "Get up you lazy worthless piece of shit!!" I seethed under my pillow, growling as she called me that. No one would ever think about calling me names, but here was my mother, calling me names, and always trying to put me down.

Slipping out of the blankets, I rubbed my eyes, trying to gain control of my tiredness. It wanted to wash over me like an ocean washing over the sand dunes, make me fall back into the blissful sweet sleep. Forever darkness would fill my tomb, so I must get used to forever. While I sleep, I never dream much, and if I do, then it must be darkness, because that is what I wake up too. Darkness. 

I threw the pillow off my face, groaning as I finally got up slowly, dizziness still washing over me. Rubbing my temples, I quickly get up, knowing that I shouldnt fall, because if I fall, I might get a bloody nose, or crack my head on the wooden floor, and all mother would care about is the floor. It would cause a red stain!!! To hell with red stains. Fuck them.

The night wear I wore that night was a simple black tank top with red shorts. Red. The color of blood. I wasnt that bad of a emo, I cut myself a lot, but my emotions were too...high, too ready to fall into the love trap. My hair was dyed black, I hated it the color that it was nautrually, a light brown with a touch of blonde, so I got black, with red, or different colors as I pleased. My mother didnt care, as long as she made sure that I was out of her way. For all I cared about, she could get out of my way also.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I applied all the make up I needed, eye shawdow, mascara, and of coarse, my lip balm that made my lips a little pinker than usual. Today, my hair color was black with blue streaks, and I decided that it was time to get another dye in.

After I was done with my make up, I looked in the mirror and tried to smile. I swore, the smile looked like a frown, and after trying so hard, stopped, and walked into my small closet, which was a small room, as is, and had mountains of clothes that I will never and probably neve wear.

Filing through the clothes, I managed to pick out a pair of teared jeans, and a blue shirt that said, "Bite Me", then I toussled my hair in a certain style, looking at it from my long mirror. After sighing, I walked out of the room, grabbing my bag along the way, and headed downstairs, tired already from seeing my mother for two days in a row in the morning. Usually she would stay down there after the night is over, complaining that it hurts down there. I would roll my eyes, and try to avoid her as much as possible, especially if she starts talking about the night.

Running downstairs, I went to the ktichen, glad that my mother wasnt there making breakfast. She has been doing that lately, and it is totally freaking me out. So it didnt really shocked me that she wasnt there, probably throwing up from the night before. I grabbed my doughnut gratefully, and walked outside, knowing that today was probably going to be a horrible day.


It was raining, cold, windy, and I was walking to my house. Gritting my teeth, I walked slowly towards the white house, which was chipping the paint, showing the true gray that it might have been when it was first made. A old house, but still durable, and my mother has choosen well, with Gabe. Gabe, my father, who left her because he slept with a much prettier girl. Now look where my mother was at. 

Breathing normally, I crossed my fingers as I pushed open the door, hoping that there would be no guys tonight. But there he was, in his professional suit, ready to knock my mom up. I gritted my teeth even more, and frowned as I looked to my mother, then to the guy. Usually, I would never even see them this early, but sometimes they would come, then I would be sent to my room for the rest of the night, because they like theirs long. No dinner tonight.

My mother looked happy, wearing her revealing sexy blue dress that showed everything under the sun. It was so short, that if she bent down, you would see the moon, and show the sun, not a really good sight to see while I was there.

She looked slightly uncomfortable, knowing that it became odder when I was awake and she was doing it with another guy. But I was already used to the grunting and moans, and pounding. It grossed me out, but I would just curl up on my bed, waiting for the sounds to stop.

I looked at the guy, wondering if he was even cute. He looked young to be a buisness man, almost too young, to be honest. His face was flawless, and he had the most cute dazling smile of all time. He had blonde locks that curled this way and that, which didnt make him look nerdy, but more handsome. His suit was cut, clean, and I knew that my mother must want someone young to fill her needs. Lately, she has been doing guys her age, which was normal, but kind of weird seeing that my mom really looked young.

The guy smiled at me, his blue eyes almost as blue as ice. "This must be Scarlett." His soft voice wavered over to my ears and I looked away, finding myself very interesting in my bag, pulling out my phone and nodding. I texted, and wondered if they would excuse me to my room.

"Darling, why dont you put that away and introduce yourself." My mother's tone was sweet, but I knew she was faking to make her look good. If he only knew how my mom acted like the devil instead of some angel sent from God.

Sighing, I put my phone in my bag, set my bag down, then finally walked to where the guy was standing, pulling out my hand stubbornly, and held it out, saying, "Yes, my name is Scarlett."

He surprised me by taking my hand, his hand very gentle as he said softly, "My name is Andrew. I hope that we could be great friends." Andrew let go of my hand, and looked over at my mother, smiling as he stayed where he was, not even going to attack her with kisses.

Andrew and my mother looked very uncomfortable, I realized and wondered what the hell was happening. "Um...excuse me?" My voice sounded very hallow, and I had to gulp down a few breaths before saying, "Im gonna just leave you guys alone..." I was really sad that he was going to do it with my mom. He deserves better.

"Wait!" My mother ran up to me, touching my shoulder as she whispered, "He came in with his friend...." She raises her eyebrows at me, and I cocked my head, confused. Where was his friend? My mother sighed, and whispers, "His friend is waiting for me, since I didnt want to leave the poor guy alone with nothing to do..." She trailed off, then pulled away, laughing a little as she said, "Well, you two have fun..." With that, she left, probably for the whole night.

Here I was, standing like a machine, frozen because I was honestly afraid that the guy was going to attack me. But he stood there, looking at the pictures, and cocking his head as he saw one of me when I had golden blond hair. He went up to it, and started to stare at it. I sighed, and sat down on the couch, wondering what to do now.

Because if you have any ideas on how to entertain a guy for a whole night, then please, tell me.

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