Chapter One: The Flight

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Chapter One

            I look over my packing list one more time as I zip up all my suitcases. "Blaire!! You  are gonna miss your flight!" my mom's voice echoes through the house. I pick up my bags and sprint down the stairs to catch my parents before I leave.  See this is why I said you should have packed more ahead of time instead of throwing it all together last night, my mom said with disapproval in her voice. "I got it all done in time, didn't I? In fact, would you look at I still have five minutes to spare, just enough time to say goodbye to my sweet old parents" I said with a smart tone knowing they hated when I referred to them as old. "Young lady we are not old, we are still cool in hip." my mother said as she grabbed onto my dad and began to give him a quick peck on the lips. "Okay okay looks like its time for me to go!" Giving them each a hug as I scurried out the door "Bye, mom! Bye, dad! Love you!"  I hopped in my Volvo SUV and rushed to go pick up my two best friends Layla and Jenna. 

           As I pull up to Jenna's mansion that she calls home both Layla and Jenna are anxiously waiting outside for me to arrive. Before I'm even able to put my car in park Jenna already has the door open and is throwing her bags in the back seat. "There you are we thought you forgot about us! Should have known you would be running on Blaire time once again."  Layla opens my trunk and begins to toss her suitcase in "Calm down Jenna we are still going to have like two hours of sitting at the airport." "See we are going to have plenty of time, let's just get excited out our ski trip we have been waiting for this since freshman year! Not to mention we will be getting our partners for the "The Games". Hopefully, I will get one of you for my partner."

        Once we finally arrive at the airport I navigate to the Long Term Parking area. "Okay, so we were told to meet at our gate by Mrs.Jefferds," Jenna informed us. Jenna was the organized one she practically has her whole life planned out. "Okay, guys we are here! let's go!" I said as I opened my door and headed to the truck to grab my suitcase. We made our way to check our bag as we hear loud obnoxious laughs coming from behind us, I turned around and of course, it was Miles Jackson. "Wow, could he be any more obnoxious? and of course, is surrounded by the triple blondes." I said as I rolled my eyes, the triple blondes are known as the "It" girls at Lincoln High they run the school and anyone who tries to challenge them...well no one tries to get in their way. "Earth to Blaire, did you hear anything I just said?" Layla said with annoyance in her voice. "I'm sorry, what were you saying?" I said as I turned my body towards her. "Nothing lets just get to our gate and try to get seats together." 

          We finally get to our gate, "I'm gonna go grab a coffee, do you guys want anything?" I say as I start to get up. "No I'm okay, I don't want to have to pee on the plane, you never know when the last time they cleaned those toilets," Jenna says with a laugh. "No, I don't wanna risk airport coffee," Layla says with disgust. "Suit your selves". I make my way to the coffee stand and place my order. "Hi, Blaire" I hear from behind me in a low scruffy voice. I turn around to a very tall body standing directly behind when my gaze meets his face I realize it's Miles. "Hello Miles. Can I help you?" I say with disgust in my voice. "I was just saying hi, I'm trying this new thing called being nice and trying to reach out to new people." He says with a genuine voice.  "Oh hi, good for you," I say as I hear my name called by the barista. "I gotta go, nice talking to you." I say as I head over to pick up my coffee. 

          I rush back to my seat at the gate to share the weird encounter that had just happened. As I turn to sit down Miles passes by me and says "Nice talking to you Blaire". My face must have said it all with the laugh that came out of his mouth. "UH, Blaire what the heck was that?" Jenna said with an utterly surprised face. "I have no idea, he was actually so nice to me with no smart remarks at all," I said still surprised myself. I was taken out of my thought by a voice coming over the intercom "Hello everyone, I would like to welcome you aboard flight 522 to Denver, Colorado. We will now begin boarding please line up in the indicated order on your boarding pass." We made our way to the line and walked down the tunnel towards the plane. "Hey look there are 3 seats together let's go," Layla said as she dragged Jenna and I down the aisle to the row of seats. We took our seats and got comfortable as the flight attendants finished their normal speeches. "....We are now next in line to take off so please buckle up and let's get you all to Denver!" 

         As we finally get to our flying altitude we are able to unbuckle. I suddenly begin to feel a pounding kick coming from behind me. I roll my eyes as I turn around to see Milles sitting behind me with a smirk on his face. "Dude really?" I say with attitude. "Just thought I would give you some extra turbulence." He said with amusement in his voice. Jenna turned around with anger in her tone "Cut it out you asshole try not to make this whole trip hell for everyone."  She sneered as she turned back around. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2019 ⏰

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