{{Hetalia: SpUk}}~ Hot Afternoons °|| Hetalia ||°

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"Hmpf, that jerk bastard is hanging out with the tea loving bastard..." Lovino muttered under his breath as he pulled out the keys from his pocket. It was a hot afternoon, and he was dragged out by Alfred who insisted on going out, so t,hey could leave Antonio and Arthur alone.

"Awe, c'mon, Lovino, don't be such a stick in the mud!" Alfred chuckled as he slapped Lovino's back with his goofy smile. "Antonio and Arthur are just making up for lost times! Since they always fought when they were young! So loosen up dude,"

Lovino glared at Alfred and opened the door with the grocery bags in one arm, "Yeah, yeah whatever. Now help me with these damned grocery bags! I had to look like a damn house-wife carrying these from the store!!" He snapped back.

Alfred nodded and took two of the bags and walked into the house and into the kitchen, "Hey dudes!!! Tonie! Artie! We're home~!!" Alfred shouted as he cupped his hands around his mouth when he called them. "Dudes?"

"Hey jerk!!! Get down here! My arms are getting tired!!!" Lovino yelled as he looked upstairs. "What are those two doing up there?"

Alfred shrugged, "I dunno, let's check it cool!" He suggested unzipping his sweater as he headed up the stairs, followed by Lovino. "Hey dudes, is everything alright up there?" He called out again getting a little worried. Alfred looked back at Lovino with big blue eyes.

Lovino still had his grumpy face and gritting teeth look. "How am I supposed to know what the hell your stupid boyfriend does?! Do I look like his nanny?!"

Suddenly, the American and Italian heard a loud moan coming from Antonio's bedroom. Followed by some furniture being moved around. Alfred an Lovino looked at each other with big round eyes, getting even more worried. They both had the same thoughts. They ran up the rest of the stairs and quickly tiptoed down the hallway to the bedroom door.

"'Making up for lost times,' eh? Pft yeah right!" Lovino whispered back with anger boiling in his voice.

"Hey! Its not my fault! When I say 'make up for lost times' I meant by playing video games, or going out for McD's," Alfred protested scrunching up his face in annoyance.

The two of them pressed their ears against the door and listened to what Antonio and Arthur were doing.

"N-ngh, bloody h-hell, man... Slow down!!" The sound of a muffled Englishman reached the ears of the eavesdroppers.  "A-ah~!"

"H-heh, l-lo, siento, Arthur, mgh...," the Spaniard replied with a grunt, "Just a little further, y-you're almost there,"

Lovino and Alfred listened with wide eyes and flushed cheeks. They looked at each other and pressed their ears even closer to the door. Alfred held up his index finger up to his lips to tell Lovino to be more quiet.

"A-antonio!!! I-I'm going to!! Ah~ it hurts! It bloody hurts" Arthur screamed to the top of his lungs. More ruffling sounds came from the room, followed by an object hitting a table, or, something. Alfred and Lovino didn't know, "A-Ah~"

"Mí amigo, you're too tight and dense! Loosen up more!" Antonio ordered.

"Isn't t-that what you're t-trying to do?!"

"Oh yeah! Heh, my bad,"

The moans and grunts got even louder as the seconds ticked on by. It soon turned into minutes. Lovino couldn't take it anymore, he wiped his nose with a tissue, and growled at the door.

"I'm going inside, the sound of your boyfriend having fun with mine is annoying the shi-" Lovino whispered angrily. But Alfred cut him off.

"No dude wait, just a little longer, c'mon!" He whined giving Lovino the puppy dog eyes. Lovino sighed and nodded, putting all his body weight on the door. It gave the quietist creak, then suddenly, it swung open. Lovino fell back dragging Alfred along with him.

"Aggh!!!" They screamed, -Lovino's being a little more high pitched than Alfred's- as they fell, face first on the ground. The small Italian grumbled as he was being squished by the slightly heavier American individual, who was on top of him. The sounds stopped, and were replaced with silence. Lovino and Alfred rubbed their heads, and squinted their eyes.

"Mgh, get off of me you, hamburger eating bastard, ow, ow... And get your stupid elbow off my curl!" Lovino hissed as his face was flushed bright red, slightly aroused that his curl was being pulled, or, rather sat on. Alfred noticed and immediately lifted up his elbow, and sat up. The two looked up at two more figures on the ground. One blonde, and the other brown, but both with sparkling green eyes.

Arthur Kirkland, the personification of Great Britain, was on the ground with his leg up in the air. And there was Antonio Fernandez Carriedo, the personification of Spain, kneeling beside Arthur, holding his leg up to be stretched further. The two men were wearing basketball shorts and tank-tops, and knee length socks. Antonio was awkwardly holding up Arthur's leg in a stretching position, while Arthur was laying down on his back, face dripping with sweat. The four of them stared at each other for awhile without saying anything, but just looking at each other's current body positions.

The Spaniard was the first to speak, "Hola, Lovi~ you're home already?" Antonio chirped as if the awkward aura never existed. "We didn't hear you enter the house,"

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TWO DOING?!?!?!" Lovino shrieked pulling at his own hair, clearly pissed off. His anger was probably more deadly then a bunch of fangirls disagreeing on each other's ships.

"We're doing yoga... Isn't it pretty obvious?" Arthur answered back arching his thick eyebrow.

"Yeah! What did you think we were doing?" Tonie asked looking at the two rather confused. 

Alfred and Lovino scrunched up their face, blushing dark red, and looked away. "Pft, nothing... Nothing at all," they scoffed, with an attitude, and jutting their chin out.

Arthur and Antonio looked at each other mouthing words of confusion, as they both arched their eyebrows. The two sat up from their awkward position, followed by the other two. Lovino rubbed his temples still slightly pissed off when he exited the room, words of anger escaping his mouth. Alfred just shoved his hands deep into the pockets of his Captain America hoodie, and puffed out his cheeks.

While Arthur and Antonio cracked their knuckles and dusted the dirt off their shorts, they picked up there water bottles that were on the floor and headed out after Lovino and Alfred. "Seriously, what did you guys think we were doing?" Antonio asked.

"N-nothing.... Nothing.....," Alfred and Lovino answered at the same time, "Now stop asking already!! Jeez!"


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2019 ⏰

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