Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Hey Aurora. Over here, you hobbit" I pivot from my position to find Hazel Grove, my best friend.

"Who are you calling a hobbit?" I declare as she runs as fast as her miniature body can manage.

"Did you hear the BIG, BIG, BIG, news?" Hazel replies, completely ignoring my question as she pants, trying to regain her breath.

"Um no. What is it?" Her face immediately drops as if I had said the most stupid thing a person could possibly say.

"What am I going to do with you, young one? Wait allow me to calm down" she brings two petite hands across her eyes and timidly trails her fingers down her pale face. She repeats the gesture while I take out my books from my steel locker. " Okay I'm ready....THERE ARE LIKE 5 NEW BOYS, WHICH ARE DELICIOUSLY HOT!" She shrieks causing both me and a couple of other students to fling our hands up to our ears to block out the haunting sound. After the sound had finally stopped ringing in my ears, I slowly brought my hands down and continued sorting out my locker.

"Hello. Woman. Are you not going to say a word?" Hazel simply states, obviously annoyed with my reaction.

"A word. Happy? Now let's go." she huffs while I close my locker and literally drag her to class.

What felt like hours after waiting for our stuck up teacher to arrive, she finally came rushing in. Her ginger hair was messily pulled into a ponytail, with locks falling out or stuck to her sweaty forehead. The glasses which were oddly placed on the crook of her nose looked as if any second they would attack themselves and crumble onto the cream-coloured ground. Hurriedly placing her over stacked folders on the messy table, she turns to face us and claps her hand.

"Good morning class" she enthusiastically shouts. With a not-so-happy reply from us, she continues with her usual speech. "Long time no see guys. The entire summer without your favourite teacher: ME!" receiving a scoff from several students, she turns to the door as if some prince were supposed to appear. "As most of us know, there are going to be a couple of new students here. So it's your responsibility to make them feel welcome and...loved" I quickly turn to face Hazel, who's already staring at me wriggling her thin eyebrows. Suppressing a laugh, I turn back to find Ms Clarke clapping, "they're coming!!!"

A group of boys stroll into the class, as if they owned the place. Hazel was wrong there wasn't 5 there were 4. But what she wasn't wrong about, was the fact that they were all deliciously hot. All four of them wore dark leather jackets and dark jeans, however only one wore a pair of sleek, stylish ray bans, indicating the fact that he was leader. The leader owned dark brown hair, with high cheekbones and a serrated jaw line. His muscles were visible through his tight leather jacket, while he took out his tanned hands from his pockets. All four of them scanned the room, each leaving their gaze on a specific girl. Not wanting to be caught gawking, I turn around to find Hazel gaping at the blonde haired guy. Knowing that there's no chance in communicating with my useless friend I turn back to the boys praying that they were all busy with another girl's attention.

Unfortunately one wasn't. The leader. He looked straight at me, or I think he did, I couldn't actually tell through the glasses. As if hearing my thought, he slowly swipes the glasses off, revealing his mesmerising eyes. Unable to turn around, I gaze into his eyes as if I was getting hypnotized, until Ms Clarke opened her annoying mouth.

"Well, who do we have here? Do you guys want to introduce yourselves?" Her eyes gleamed with excitement, as if they were about to do some circus act.

"No we don't want to introduce ourselves, do you have a problem...mam?" The leader replies smirking, and as if he set of some trigger for the rest of the boys to start snickering. The blonde one that Hazel was gawking at stepped forward.

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