Little Caretaker

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Parents- Lirry




"Niall, Josh is waiting for you!" Liam called up the stairs to his eldest. Josh was Niall's best friend, they played footie together and Josh always picked up and dropped Niall off for practice.

"Coming mum!" Liam had always been a bit more feminine and enjoyed the kids calling him mum instead of dad or papa. Niall ran down the stairs with his footie equipment and kissed Liam's cheek.
"bye mum"

"Bye Ni."


"BYE BABY HAVE FUN, PRACTICE HARD!" Harry shouted. Niall ran out the door and jumped into Josh's car.

"About time you wanker." Josh teased.

"oh piss off Josh it took me like 30 seconds to get out here." He teased back. Josh just laughed and drove off towards their practice.

"NIALL GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ARSE COME ON!" The coach yelled as Niall missed a penalty kick. The coach split the team in half and they were playing a scrimmage against each other. The goal keeper caught the ball and kicked it. Niall saw it was coming right towards him and took this as his opportunity to show the coach he could do better. He jumped up for a header but as soon as that happened someone on the opposing team had the same idea and the two boys collided and fell to the ground. The other boy, Stan, landed hard on Niall's left leg and immediately everyone heard a loud snap as Niall screamed out in pain.

"Shit Niall i'm so sorry oh my god!" Stan said worriedly as he looked at his injured teammate. The coach came running over then looked to Josh.

"Josh run to my office and call his parents quick! I think it's broken. Tell them I'm taking him to Wolverhampton Medical." The coach rushed out as he picked up the still screaming Niall. Josh ran and did as told.

Niall's leg was broken in two places including his knee so they put a cast on him then gave him some pain medication. Niall was bummed because this meant he would be out the rest of the season but the coach assured him a spot on the starting team again next season which made Niall feel a bit better. Niall was just laying on the bed when they door opened and Harry rushed in. The coach and Josh excused themselves to let him have privacy.

"Baby oh my god are you okay?" Harry said as he looked over Niall's entire body searching for more injuries.

"M' fine now dad, they gave me a lot of pain medication. M' just bummed about being out the rest of the season."

"I know love but you'll be back next season." Niall just nodded.

"Where's mum?"

"At home, Lou has a slight fever so your mum stayed home with him and Zayn is asleep. We can go home now if you'd like?" Niall nodded and allowed his dad to help him up and then out to the car. Harry thanked the coach and Josh and Niall told them he'd still be there to watch the games.

The next day Niall was absolutely bored and he was in a small amount of pain since he hadn't had his painkillers yet.

"Mum!" he yelled out. No response. "Dad!" nothing. He sighed and got up, slowly limping to get his medicine. Every step was painful and by the time he got back to his bed he was crying because it hurt so much. He opened the bottle of pills and took one out before realizing he forgot water. "Fuck." Just then the door opened and Zayn walked in wearing just a nappy and a big shirt, with his teddy bear in one hand and his juice cup in the other. He walked over to Niall and lifted up his arms to be picked up which Niall did and placed him on the bed.

"Hi baby Zee, where's mummy and daddy?"

"wit Lou Lou, he throwed up evwrywhere and cry lots." Niall nodded, that was why the hadn't answered him. Niall just threw the pill in his mouth but he was having a hard time swallowing it. Zayn noticed and shoved his juice cup in between Niall's lips.

"Me help oo!" Niall drank some of the juice and swallowed the pill before kissing Zayn's cheek.

"Thank you baby I needed that."

"Why oo take yucky?" Yucky is what Zayn called every medicine whether it was pills or liquid.

"I hurt my leg in footie, that's why I have this on to help it get better." He said, pointing down the bright green cast on his leg. Zayn crawled down to get a better look at it then he leaned over and kissed the cast.

"Zee make oo bettewr, it worwk?" Niall just laughed and picked up Zayn, tickling his sides as the baby squealed in delight.

"Yes baby, much better thank you." The two cuddled up in Niall's bed all day just watching Disney films and Niall loved that he had his baby brother to keep him company.

Thank you to Tommogirl98 for the prompt. I work on another one soon.

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