Indonesia is absent!A HETALIA FANFIC(reader as Indonesia!)

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Authors note:hey guys!This is my FIRST Hetalia fanfic after reading THOUSANDS of Hetalia fanfics.I hope you enjoy!


You woke up in the forests of the Philippines

"hah?Where am I???"you said in you Indonesian accent

then some black haired figure came up to you.


"don't worry.My name is Philippines.And you are?


"well Indonesia,you must be a new country.From now on,I will be your big brother!


he picked you up and welcomed you into your new home

------------------time skip to 12 years later---------------

"ABANG!Saya ingin berjalan-jalan,oke?"

"Oo"he said,in Tagalog

"Terima kasih!"

you walked out of the house,and into the forest.

You walked to the exact spot where you met your big brother only to see a little girl.

"dia shapa?"you said walking towards her.

she yawned and looked over to you.

"AAAAEEEEE!! TIDAK MENDEKATIKU!!!she screamed,tears forming in her eyes.

"Hey.Hey.Jangan nangise,yah?"you said in a soothing voice

"oh?"she sniffled.She looked up at you.

"whats wrong?"you said,in your best English.

"are you Indonesia?"she asked.You nodded.

"I'm Jakarta!"a smile spreading across her face

you picked her up and she hugged you.

"I am your big sister,Indonesia.And we have a big brother,Philippines!"

"oooh..."she said in awe

you and Jakarta walked to your house and called out to your brother.


he rushed downstairs


he looked at Jakarta.

"Apa kabar...abang..."she said shyly

a smile formed on his lips.

"hello.Yes,I am your big brother."he said patting her head

you smiled at the loving family scene and walked to the kitchen,singing your national anthem.

"do you two want a snack?"you asked

they both nodded

"okay then..."

----------time skip to 4 years later---------

you were now 16,your brother was 22,and you little sister was 5

It was the day of the world meeting.The day you and your sibilings would always skip because the other countries scared you.Along with your best friend Hondurus.She did not enjoy the meetings so she skipped all of them as well.

So that day all of you went to the park.

you were practicing anime that your friend Korea told you about.

Jakarta was playing catch with Philippines.

And Honduras was buying all types of ice cream.

'Indonesia raya..'you thought/sang your anthem.

then Jakarta ran and sat beside you.

"what are you drawing,Kaka?"she asked

"the personalities of the other countries"

Philippines snickered at Germany's personality.It was the perverted,serious guy.And you don't wanna what the picture looked like.

"I like Mr.Prussia's pictures!!!"Jakarta gasped between laughs.

"So did you make me awesome enough?!"a certain Prussian asked slyly

a purple aura was felt behind you.All of the countries...Axis,to the allies.Asian,to the Nordic 5!

"you four never came to any of the World Meetings"an angry German said.

You,Philippines,Honduras,and Jakarta sweat dropped.

"uh-oh"you all said in union.

you ran a great distance with the countries behind you.

then your brother and sister started to slow down,giving the larger mob advantage.

"C'mon idiot-a!!!"Romano yelled

"NO!!I DON"T WANNA!!!"Jakarta wailed as she was caught

"RUN LITTLE SISTER!!!"Philippines yelled as he was hit by Hungary's frying pan.

So it was just you and your Best friend Honduras.

"Indonesia!what are we going to do???Spain is going to kill me!!!"she cried

you knew she liked Spain.You didn't know what she could see in him.But that's her problem.

then you thought of the most idiotic idea ran over to a bench,grabbed a newspaper and pretended to read.Honduras understood.She ran over to a nearby pizza parlor and put on a mustache.

the countries split up and looked every where for the both of you.

the Italy ran over to the pizza parlor and ordered some pasta.

"u-umm...T-that would be $9.99"she stuttered in her best man voice.

Italy searched his pockets..

"oh no!"he wailed."I do not have money!But maybe Big brother Spain might have some!"

'oh no.Not Spain.'she thought.

"Spain!!!"he called

Spain ran over.

"what do you want Italy?"he asked.

"eek!"Honduras squealed.

they both looked over to her.Then a mischievous grin spread through his face.

"what?"she asked.

He walked into the employee door.

"wha-AAAAAHHH!!!!"she yelled as he took her from behind.

You almost cried at the sad scene.

you quietly put the newspaper down and started to run.

All the countries looked over to you and started to chase you again.



Hehee!I hope you enjoyed!

Tidak mendekatiku=don't come closer to me

Saya ingin berjalan-jalan,oke?=I want to take a walk,okay?


Terima Kasih= thank you

Dia shapa?= who is that?

Jangan nangise,yah?=Don't cry,yah?

Abang=elder brother

Apa kabar=How are you?

Indonesia is absent!A HETALIA FANFIC(reader as Indonesia!)Where stories live. Discover now