Breakfast Time! And Watching The News...!

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I plop myself down next to a clown as Trauma and Rioja cuddle with my legs under the table. I stroke them unintentionally, resting my forehead against the edge of the table. " You alright, Hyena Keeper?" The monochrome clown asks suddenly, glancing at me from his silver eyes. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, L.J., just tired is all.' I reassure him, patting a feathered shoulder as he nods and turns back to his pile of candy.

I roll my eyes, straightening up as Ben walks in, sending nervous glances at Trauma. Perfect. "HEY, GUESS WHAT TOBY!" I scream, and the ticking boy streaks in, clutching a vase with disheveled hair "W-WHAT?!" He questions back, ticking and dropping the vase, that shatters into pieces. "GOD DAMMIT! THAT WAS MY FAVORITE VASE! ANYWAY, GUESS WHO BEN IS SCARED OF?" I continue to yell my lungs out, and I'm guessing waking everyone else up in the process.

Either Laughing Jack was deaf or he didn't mind me practically screaming in his right ear. Seriously. He was just munching happily on caramel. "WHO?" Tobias jumps up and down and tics, staring intently at Ben who's face was covered. "HE'S SCARED OF......TRAUMA!" L.J. almost choked on his candy from laughing so hard, Jeff fell of his seat laughing again, Toby bounded over and picked up Trauma while singing the Circle of Life, while the hyena had no problem with. He seemed like he was enjoying it, as he was laughing-as much as an animal can laugh-too.

Ben was blushing furiously while Rioja sat there like a good little animal. The noise probably roused a certain cannibal, for he walked in a minute later, scratching the top of his head confusingly. He wore a blue mask with blood stains that refused to come off, with black holes in place of his eyes that was oozing black stuff.....what it was is anyone's guess. Even he didn't know what it was. He was wearing his black hoodie, with a dark blue shirt underneath. He had chestnut brown hair, but gray skin, and sharp teeth that could rip anyone's skin off easily.

"What's going on? Why is Ben looking so embarrassed and all of you laughing?" Jeffrey stopped in his laughing fit just to say, "Tar-eyes, you really are clueless." Okay, so maybe Jeff thought that the blackness was tar....from his brain. "Ben is afraid of Trauma!" I laugh out, but E.J. Stands there like nobody's business.

He shrugs and walks over to the freezer. Thank Zalgo Toby saw it or we would be dead. "T-take c-cover!" He screams and dives underneath the counter, and once everyone else saw why he was doing it, all the people-or whatever you want to call them-slip into any small space that could protect them. Seconds later, savage ripping and growling could be heard, and we all peeked over our places, cringing when we witnessed Eyeless tearing into a human abdomen.

We just sat it out, and when he was finished, the blue-masked man returned to the civilized and well-mannered Eyeless Jack we all know. He dusted his hands off, wiped the blood off the floor, and dragged the decapitated body part out of the kitchen without saying a word. I let out a sigh of relief, crawling out of the cabinet I had been hiding in as I whistle; the signal that all's well. Everyone slowly inches their way out of the places and resume to their seats, going back to sitting and chatting their worries away.

-Time Skippy once all the Creepy's are there-

I sigh, looking around at the gathered CreepyPastas with just one missing. "Well, it seems like Slender isn't joining us again." Some snicker while others coo, "oo-la-la, Slenderman!" I growl, silencing all commotion in the kitchen. "I'll prepare breakfast since the only people who know how to cook are the females, which we don't have a lot!" I scold, beckoning some of them.

"Clocky, Nina, and Jane. Come with me," I order, walking into the kitchen and them following closely behind. "Alright. It's time we serve them. Waitress style." I smirk, and they all squeal and clap their hands. After about twenty minutes slaving over their breakfast, we finally rush out with steaming plates. All of them lick their lips and dive into the food.

I happily grab English muffins and smother blood on it. Okay, no, it's strawberry jam. But what's the difference, right? After some mishaps (which included Ben throwing tea at Laughing and Eyeless Jack and Smile leaping up to the table to grab a sausage link) we went our separate ways in the mansion. I waltz into the living room and plop down on the couch, turning the news and leaning forwards eagerly. "If ANYONE BUT ME wants to watch who's kill they found this time, the news' on!" I scream, and, surprisingly, most of the famous Pastas dart down, shoving the others out of the way.

Who would these be, you ask? Well.

1. Jeff The Killer

2. Play-With-Me Sally

3. Eyeless Jack

4. BEN Drowned. That's right, ALL of them were shoving to get downstairs. Well, actually Sally just trotted through their legs and hopped into my lap, watching the television intently. I chuckle, patting her head as she leans into me. At last, all the boys finally make their way down and sit on the worn out couch. "Welcome to.....who's kill we got!" I pronounce, un-pausing the news.


"A down pour will occur in Oregon, around 12:40 P.M., it is assumed the only place where it will be raining is in the woods, for some strange reason.

"Now, onto the more important information. A killer strikes again! But, this time, it's something we have never encountered before. The victim was murdered by what seem to be katanas, and in the victim's wrist they carved a sun with a cloud over it, along with the words above the victim's head; "All sunny days will come to an end. You're next." Please lock all your doors and windows, and never go out at night past 12:30 or when the sun goes down. Thank you.

"Now, back to Jimmy-"


I quickly flick the T.V off, turning to stare at the others who had their mouths hanging open. I wave a hand in front of their faces, but they barely react, staring at the off television as if they were relieving their biggest regrets and fears. Wait......."I'm going out for a little bit with Toby and Masky, Sally, make sure they don't blow the house up." I call to the girl as she grins and nods, holding up Charlie who also gives me a confirmation that he would help.

He's really a nice bear when he's not killing.

Or angry.

Anyways, I call for those two, and the thumping of steps echo around the house as Toby slides down the post, mouth guard and all. "W-what do you- n-need?" He asks, and when I simply reply that I just want to go killing with him and Masky. A few minutes later, a boy with a yellow trench coat and white female mask with black lips and eyes walk in, arms crossed and silent.

"Hey, Mask, Toby. I was watching the news and apparently there's a new killer here. We gotta find him or her!" I inform them. Toby just blankly stares at me, obviously having an inner battle with himself whether to go or decline, while Masky....well, he walks back upstairs to get his knife.

Toby reluctantly agrees, and we all set off. "Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to work we go!" Toby whistles and tromps along like the dwarves in Snow White. "I'm regretting my choice to join you already," Masky groans, taking the words right out of my mouth. I fling an arm out, sending Toby skidding to a halt which in turn sends Masky bumping into me.

He releases a string of curses as he glance apologetically at him. "Sorry. We're just at the edge of Slender Woods, and wouldn't it be strange for someone to walk out with bloody hatchets, a mouth guard and goggles?" I look at Toby meaningfully as his guard shifts so I'm convinced he's pouting, before un clipping it and sliding his goggles higher on his head

The scar is in full view, but we can't do much about that, so......letsago! "C'mon! We got a new murderer to find!" I cheer, and set out into the human world, the two proxies following less enthusiastically at my feet. "We're going human hunting!" I scream, entering the city gates as Masky face palms, Toby skipping up to me and slinging an arm around my shoulder and grinning like s lunatic. "HUNTING FOR A SERIAL KILLER!" We chorus, earning several disturbed looks at Toby's scar, but we go on our merry way.

The adventure begins!

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