Hermione ~ My Room

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I walked to the Great Hall and sat down in my usual seat beside Harry. I looked up and I saw Claudia coming in with a smirk on her face. Behind her was Malfoy.


Malfoy and his silky blonde hair. His mesmerising grey eyes...

Oh how I wish I could just stare into those eyes and tangle my fingers in his hair.

Those smooth lips. Those caring arms. Those broad shoulders.

I wish he was mine.

Oh snap out of it Granger! You know he hates you. You're the 'mudblood' as he says himself.

Ginny kicked me under the table. I looked up.

"What's wrong?", she whispered.

"Nothing." I answered.

I listened to the rest of McGonagal's speech.

"As the 7th years have possibly noticed, we have a new project in the curriculum. After the Great Feast, please may years 1 to 6 proceed to their Common Rooms while the 7th years stay to discuss this further. Thank you for your attention. May the feast begin."

I didn't eat, I was too busy daydreaming. Daydreaming about those deep grey eyes and beautiful blonde hair.

Harry must have noticed,
"What's up, Hermione?", he asked.

"Oh. Erm... Nothing. I'm just erm... thinking... about... how wonderful... divination is?", I answered.

I blushed.
Great. Just great, Granger! Make yourself seem even more suspicious.

"I know something's up. You're just drinking your pumkin juice.", he paused.
"No... you're not going back to your spew protests again, are you?".

"It's S.P.E.W and no, I'm not. I'm just not very hungry."

And as if on que, my tummy rumbled.

"Of course you are.", Harry said and Ginny placed a croissant on my plate.

Just to please them, I ate the croissant. It was actually quite nice and although I wanted another one, I opted for French toast.
I still, however, couldn't stop staring at Draco. Draco and... Draco and that... that thing.

Pansy Parkinson.
How I always hated her. Well not since forever. Just since when she started 'dating' Draco.

And there she was. Throwing herself at Draco and playing tonsil tennis.

He wasn't.

He just sat there and stared into the distance.

Does he like it? Doesn't seem like he does. Why does he put up to it though?

I remember Luna's words in my 5th year.

"That's not the real Draco. He's a frightened boy really. He does all this to save his parents from the Dark Lord. He cares a lot about them and doesn't have anything against muggle borns..."

I never thought much about them and thought she was going a bit crazy. But it all makes sense...

At the end of the war, he didn't join Voldemort, he joined his parents. And I remember how he had said sorry to Ron after he called him a blood-traitor and hugged me when we were top of the year in our O.W.L.s.

His father is back from Azkaban now, they have given him another chance, and it's back to 'filthy mudblood' now.

After the feast, the younger years crowded out and there were only 2 Slytherins, 1 Ravenclaw and 9 Gryffindors left.

"As you know, this year we are doing The Baby Project as part of the new curriculum. Lessons will be carried on as always, however 3 lessons a week will be dedicated to advising and checking up on you. This next week you are to relax fully as we know looking after a child is difficult. Your partner has been already picked,", she paused.
"... as Miss Glitter already knows. Then during your lesson you will be given a potion. You are to put four hairs from your head and mix it over a fire. Your baby or babies have your genes, therefore will look like you. Very soon your babies will be delivered to you. I will call out you and your partner's names and room number.

Mr Tom and Mrs Sara West, Room 636.

Mr Neville and Mrs Luna Longbottom, Room 639.

Mr Draco and Mrs Hermione Malfoy, Room 637.

Mr Harry and Mrs Ginerva Potter, Room 640.

Mr ... and Mrs Claudia Lighting, Room 638.

Mr Ronald and Mrs Pansy Weasley, Room 635.

Thank you. Please go to your rooms," McGonnagal finished.

I stood up and went up to the north east tower, where all of the rooms were.

I found Room 637 and looked at the keyhole.
Great. No key for me.

"Alohomora", I said and opened the large and heavy door.

Draco was spread out on the black leather sofa, his head propped up on a scarlett cusion, and was trying to work out what a remote control does.

"Hey, Gra... Hermione. What does this do? One of your muggle folk creations, I suspect.", he called.

"Well, Draco, this is a remote control. It controls the television. Do you know what a television is?", I answered very slowly.

"Oh course I do! Don't you think wizards have tvs. We, on the other hand, use magic to control the tv. How do you turn on 346?", he said, annoyed.

I turned the television and changed the channel to 346. I walked out of the living room to look around.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2016 ⏰

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