5// Loving His Beast

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Chapter Five | Danica's confession

Today, my sisters and I were going to hang out until the production team called them to film Total Divas, but I would not be a part of that because I had interviews to do.

I got ready and headed to the local radio station. I asked Morgan, who was my publicist, what would be asked, and she told me what I would be asked and what I needed to say. This was the part that I didn't miss when I was wrestling, but now I'm back.

I'm kind of nervous. When I got to the radio station, a crowd of fans went wild when they saw me step out of the car. I put on a smile as I followed security into the building and up to the third floor.

I was soon greeted by the host and taken into a room to go live. I sat down and was handed a headset and mic, which adjusted.

"Good afternoon to all, and thanks for tuning into 96.7, the power. Today we have the beautiful Danica Garcia-Colace; you may know her as a businesswoman, singer, actress, and model, but before that, she was a WWE Diva known as Vixen. Last night she made her significant return to the place where it all started for her. It is nice to have you on the show, Danica. How was it last night? " The host asked.

I smiled.

"It was amazing, it has been a long time since I've been in a ring, but it was nice to know the fans still remember the vixen, " I answered.

"For those who don't know, Danica left in '09 to pursue a career in music and acting. So explain to us why you helped Brock last night? " The host asked.

I was about to answer until Brock Lesnar busted through the door. He quickly sat down beside me and put on the headset before saying, "Sorry, traffic was horrible."

"Yeah, Ladies and gentleman, Brock Lesnar has just joined us but back to the question." The host said.

"Well, Vince, blew up my phone several times about me coming back, and I gave in. He offered me the opportunity to make my significant return doing the Brock segment; I said, why the hell not. I couldn't refuse a chance to work with my favorite wrestler. " I said.

He nods and turns to Brock. " So how does it feel to be working with a diva that everyone says is the female version of you? " He asked Brock.

"Well, Danica, it's great to know that I'm your favorite, but I mean, if anyone watched Danica when she wrestled, she was a firecracker. It made sense to team up with her because, let's face it, I don't think anyone can handle me but her, " Brock answered with a chuckle.

"Alright, so what are you guys' favorite move to do in the ring?" He asked.

"I always loved hurricanranas," I answered.

"It would be the F5," Brock responds.

"Next question, would you two ever date?" He asked.

Brock shifts his weight and chuckles while I cough awkwardly. "Yeah, Danica, would you date me? I mean, I think she's too beautiful to be with a beast like me," He said.

"Oh my God, did Morgan make you asked this question?" I asked.

"No, but why and who's Morgan?" He replied.

"Morgan is my best friend, but I guess it's confession time. So when I first debut back in '03, I had the biggest crush on this guy right here and still do. Oh god, this is so embarrassing," I said, putting my head down.

"Did you guys hear that the vixen has a crush on the beast?!" He exclaimed.

"Wait, what?" Brock asked, shocked.

"Yeah, I know, but I mean, they, don't be shocked, " I said, fanning myself.

"Well, that's all the time we have, so see ya next time." He said.

By the time we were off the air; My phone was being blown up. I finally answered when Brie called me and started screaming into my ear.

I winced.

"I take it that you were listening," I said after she stopped screaming.

"Umm, yeah. I can't believe it. Brock freaking Lesnar is your crush," She said.

"Well, believe it," I said.

"This isn't over. Nica, we're going to talk about this, but I have to go," She said.

"Bye!" I said as I hung up the phone and put it back in my purse. I didn't notice brock staring at me.

He walked up to me and I looked at him.

"Do you want to have lunch with me?" He asked.

"Sure, let's go. I think I saw a restaurant not too far from here," I answered, walking out the building with him following me.

We walk down the street to the restaurant.

He held the door open for me, and we walk in.

The hostess sits us in a booth near the back but still close to the front.

I noticed Brock couldn't stop staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"You like me?" He replied.

"Yes, it's just a crush. Besides, I don't think you would go for a girl like me," I said.

"Why do you say that?" He asked.

"I don't know," I said.

"So, what do you want to eat?" The waiter asked, coming up to the table.

"Ribs and French fries with strawberry lemonade, "I said.

"Can I get what she's having with macaroni and with Pepsi?" he said.

"Okay, be right back with your drinks," the waiter said.

"So, how did you feel about last night's show?" He asked.

"I can't wait till I see those girls again; I'm going to be chewing on their faces like a leech," I said.

"You are crazy," He said.

"Yeah, I know, but what are you?" I said.

"A beast," He said.

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