That's it!!! We're going back to Corellia! Just us and the Falcon!

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(A/N yes, that Corellia Han's home planet. And this is the first of probably two chapters that gave the fic an M rating since there is smut toward the end, enjoy)

Finally, it was just the two of them. He thanked whatever entities existed that he'd installed autopilot on this thing a while ago so he didn't have to be in the cockpit any longer than necessary. He plugged in the coordinates for the posh side of his home planet and returned to his hopefully soon to be fiancée's arms. "Where are we going?" She wondered again. Leia had been asking since they'd left Coruscant, but Han, stubborn as he was refused to tell her. "It's a surprise." Best thing about this new autopilot, it didn't really require droids or anything, or at least not one that could, to his knowledge, leave the cockpit to interrupt them. Given, it could send warnings through the comms system but that was for things like if they were on a collision course, about to be captured, fired upon or out of fuel and of course a trilling noise was set to go off as they were approaching the planet.

"Naboo? Tatooine? Alderaan? Uh, Cloud City?" Leia listed off places they might be going, Han just shook his head. "Telling would just ruin the surprise. Though you have the sandy part sort of right, and Naboo had lots of water, a lot like where we're going." He hinted. She made a face at the sandy part, and he amended himself "Though, strangely it's never quite as hot as one or as humid as the other." That seemed to be enough for her for right now as she stopped asking questions and turned her attentions to him instead. He was reclined beside her, his vest and holster belt removed and hung on a chair on his side of their room. She traced a faded scar on his chin, "How'd you get this?" "Spice mines, got into a scrape while trying to get back to my ship and get the heck out." "Was this during the infamous Kessel run?" Leia asked, tracing his jaw with her fingers, enjoying the feel of his slight beard. "That's the one." Han said, with a slight smile, she called him scruffy once and he'd taken offense now she likes it whether he shaves or not as long as he doesn't go more than a few days. He doesn't even care much for what he looks like with facial hair.

Han crossed one of his bare feet over hers and wiggled his toes, "Do you like swimming, highness?" He wondered as he took her hand away from his jaw. "I prefer it over sand if that's what you mean." She answered. Good thing he wasn't planning on asking her on the beach, and there were wooden or ferrocrete walkways to all watercraft docking areas. He kissed the hand he was holding and moved his foot. "Stop with the questions and hints, I don't want to do it but I will use the force to get the answer from you if I have to." Leia threatened and Han paled. He swallowed, "Promise not to be disappointed?" "I won't be." "I'm taking you to my home planet, to Corellia." He admitted, and she was shocked, that much was obvious. She couldn't believe it, he hadn't had a very pleasant childhood after he'd been orphaned and had left the planet as soon as he could, and she knew that. To be going back, to be taking her with him..."I'm showing the people there how far I've come. I'm not just some sneak-thief anymore. I-I'm, I-I've got you. I love you." Han manages before pressing his lips to hers which were opened slightly in shock. "I love you too, and you've never been just a sneak-thief to me." She kissed him back.

There was a trilling and Han looked up, "We're approaching the planet. You want to go see it?" Leia nodded and they went and stood, Leia wrapped protectively in Han's arms watching the planet come closer and closer until the radio chimed in. *Unknown Cargo Ship, identify yourself Captain and what is your business on Corellia?* Han kissed Leia's cheek then they went through measures of getting ready to enter the planet's atmosphere and landing procedures. "Han Solo, captaining The Millennium Falcon. While the ship is new to the planet, I'm returning home. I'm not here for business, more along the lines of a pleasure trip thanks." Han said, frustrated with the required radio dealings, Leia smirked. *Marked, Welcome home Captain Solo. Pilot your ship to Docking bay and follow the yellow lights*

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