you are beautiful.

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You are beautiful.  Don't believe me?  I have evidence, and a lot of it.  

Beauty isn't always how you look.  Too often, we develop feelings for people who are fake.  That guy on the soccer team with a six pack, or that girl who always has perfect makeup.  Well guess what; you're true beauty is inside.  It sounds like such a line, but the key to loving yourself is not picking out your flaws, but realizing that you are a work of art, a part of nature.  You don't critic a mountain for being too tall, or a valley for being too deep, the purple of the sky being too dark or the trees being too green; you accept the nature as a work of beauty, even with it's flaws.

When you look in the mirror, instead of noticing your flaws, see yourself the way God does.  Notice how your eyes sparkle in the light, how your smile, no matter how rare, is beautiful.  

It's hard to notice these things when people are telling you otherwise, but think about it this way; you aren't the only one with flaws.  Everyone has them, and it's not something to be ashamed of.  

The people in magazines aren't real.  Sure, there are people who workout and things, but that girl who has a completely flat stomach, perfect hair, perfect makeup, perfect isn't real.  It's called photo shop and professional makeup artists.   Some people have flat stomachs, or pretty eyes, or nice makeup, but the way magazines portray how you are "expected" to look is total bullsh!t.  And you know what?  If you are more comfortable in sweatpants with chocolate and Netflix, there is nothing wrong with that.  If you want to exercise, there is nothing wrong with that.

The same goes for guys; you don't have to have a six pack of abs, crazy muscles, and cool hair to be attractive. 

Don't think your glasses look good?  I think they look cute.
Aren't comfortable with that little bit of fat on your stomach?  Everyone has that, even people who are active.  I have it, you have it.  Your best friend probably has it too.  The person who is making fun of you for it?  They most likely have it too.  It isn't something to be ashamed of.
Think you aren't good at something you should be?  You don't have to be amazing at everything, not even science or math.  You have a purpose, you just haven't found it yet.

You are perfectly imperfect.  Like the sky.  The stars don't all line up, and the Earth isn't symmetrical, but they are still beautiful.  Just like you are.  

Please don't put yourself down about your physical appearance; God made you the way you are and it is the most beautiful thing in the world.  

Don't deprive your body of food or harm yourself just because someone else cannot see you for your true perfection.

I love you my beautiful unicorns, please don't try to change yourselves for others or yourself.  God sees you how you truly are.  




well that went better than i thought it would.  

A/N--This part and all other of the parts pertain to guys AND girls AND EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It may sound very female, but I don't know exactly how guys work, but I have a pretty good idea.  Suggestions are helpful :)

i hope you guys can relate to what im saying i really want to help anyone with this, even if its only one person. (though helping a lot of people would be hella rad)  good morning/evening/night and good luck in school tomorrow!

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