My ships

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To start this off I will like to say my ships~
FrUk (France and England)
Ameripan (America and Japan)
Prucan (Prussia and Canada)
Sufin (Sweden and wife I-I mean Finland)
Rochu (Russia and China)
LietPol (Poland and Lithuania)
Spamano (Spain and Romano)
FrUkUs (France, England, and America)
BTT (Prussia, France, and Spain)
HRE X Chibitalia
Gerita (Germany X Italy)
Russia X America (can't remember their ship name)
BTT/Romano (France, Spain, Prussia, and Romano) {I recently came across this and fell in love with it}
Russlit (Russia X Lithuania) {I don't know their ship name so I made one up)
Lichtenstein X Belarus
Turkey X Greece
Greece X Japan
Axis (Japan, Germany, and Italy)
DenNor (Norway X Denmark)
HongIce (Iceland X Hong Kong)
RussCan (Russia X Canada)
AustSwiz (Switzerland X Austria) {I really fucked that ship name up}
Austria X Prussia
England X Japan
Japan X America
Germania x Rome
2p X 1p (I do this for a lot of different characters)


(May I add I never knew I shipped so many people until I wrote them down just now)

(May I also add that I don't really ship UsUk but if you would like to see it I can post a few)

(MAY I ALSO ADD! None of these are mine! I'm not talented enough for drawing any of these *crys lightly* there just so beautiful! And then my art is like stick figures)

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