Chapter 1- Caught

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This story is from the anime called Prison School if you are interested in watching the anime THERE IS LIKE A LOT OF FAN SERVICE AND BLOOD. I will be changing up the story a little.

Natsu POV
My friends Gray,Jellal, and Gajeel go to all girl school and let me tell you something ITS HEAVEN, but we are scared to talk to the girls. "TODAY IM GOING TO DO IT", I yelled. They were all looked at him surprised. "YOU GO MEN", they yelled while I was about walking to the prettiest girl in school Lucy Heartfillia.

"Ummmmmmmmmmmm", I said chicken out and past out. "NATSU", they said and came to carry me out.

Lucy POV
"I wonder what's wrong with him", one of my friends said. I gave him a look and walked away. "I think we should watch these guys President they might do something", I said holding a phone to my ear,"can't wait to go back to work", I said smirking. I hang up and walked off. "Now to hope that they do something."

Natsu POV
I woke up in my dorm with the guys. We are in boarding school and there was prison there for people who act bad or broke rules. "Hey guys how about we go peek at the girls taking a shower", Gajeel said and he was doing his Gi-hee again. "Sounds like a plain, but I still have one more class to do", I said walking out the door.

It is always weird to be in a class with all girls. I dropped my pencil and it was so embarrassing crawling to get until someone picked it for me. IT WAS LUCY!!!

"Umm thank you", I said. "My pleasure", she said and her friend Lisanna looked at her trying to say stop or something. She just smirked. Class was over until Lisanna came over to me. "Umm", I said. "Be careful with Lucy I know you have a crush on her, but she has different personalities", Lisanna said and I was confused. "She can be kind,sweet,caring, and just beautiful, but her other side is dark,evil,cruel, mean. Just be careful", Lisanna said and ran off.

I was back in my dorm and all they guys were dress in tight black outfits. "WHAT THE FUCK", I said while they tackled me down and put the tight outfit on me. "Alright now we are ready", Gray said.

We went on top of the ceiling and below us was the girl changing room. "ALRIGHT WE CAN DO THIS", we said high fiving each other. We got my phone...wait...MY PHONE. "WHY DO WE HAVE TO USE MY PHONE GOD DAMMIT", I said and they looked at me with red in their eyes. "Ok umm go ahead", I said and they went back to their normal selfs.

The phone was viewing the changing room and no one was in there. "No one is there they are probably taking a shower", Jellal said and we nodded. "I want to see some nipples tho", Gray said. "And some p***sy", Gajeel said. "I wish I can say you guys are disgusting, but I can't because I want to see too", I said and Jellal agreed with me.

We were wondering about those bodies part that we actually drop the phone. "GRAY", we yelled. "Someone is going to have to get it", I said and they all looked at me. "WHYY Gray is the one who drop it", I said. "Yeah...,but it is your phone", Gray said."THATS BECAUSE YOU TOOK IT WITHOUT PERMISSION", I yelled ."What if a girl found it and saw all your photos and text messages", Gajeel said Gi-heeing. "You son of a...", I said until I was rudely interrupted. "Just get it Natsu", Jellal said. "Tch...whatever", I said.

They had enough of strings to pull me down and I got my phone and was about to go up, until I heard a voice. "Mirajane", a girl said and I freezed. ITS LISANNA VOICE!!!! "I'm sorry I forgot to put on my contacts so I can't really see you well", Lisanna said. "Come on get undress so we can take a shower together", she said while taking off her clothes.

All the boys POV

Gray POV
We saw Natsu put down the phone and take off his tight black suit. WHAT IS HE DOING!!! We then saw these black crows flying around us. "There is some many", Jellal said. "I agreed", Gajeel said. Then the crows started to aim for us. We all screamed!!!

Natsu POV
If I don't play along with this act then she will probably figure out it isn't her sister. "Let's go", she said grabbing my hand and heading to the showers.

It was heaven. All the girls were cleaning up and everything, but I can't be seen so I started to wash my self. "Hi Lisanna", Mirajane said. IM BUSTED!!! "Huh...then who are you", Lisanna said and got a closer. FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!!

"ALL GIRLS GET OUT THE SHOWERING ROOM WE HAVE THE BOYS PEAKING!!!!!!", one girl yelled. All the girls started to freak out and this was my chance to hid. "LETS GO LISANNA", Mirajane said. "But what about....", I was already gone.

I saw my friend out there and they were tied up. Girls were saying things to them and throwing things too. "Guys", I said"what are you doing", I heard a girl voice said. I jumped. She had red hair and brown eyes. "Here look at this book", she gave me a book. "Prison school?" "Look at the people who are in charge of it", she said. One girl had blue hair, one with a lighter blue, and OMG LUCY!!!! "And the president is on the next page" she said. I flipped the next page and my eyes grew small.

I then felt a punch to my stomach and a little blood came out. I then two hand together on my back and a knee on my stomach and they both hit me. I felt a little dizzy. The last thing I saw was she pulling my hair and looked at me. "I'm Erza Scarlet president of the Prison School."

Hope you guys enjoyed it

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