Growing up

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As I said, we live in a ranch with plenty of land so I spent most of my time outside with my rope swing that was wrapped around a not so sturdy branch. We have a creek in our backyard so I would collect all sorts of animals and rocks. The creek isn't deep at all and was pretty cold all of the time but I never really have cared because it is so calming and a place to get myself together.
         Every morning I would wake up with my brothers on the couches and yet another wayward friend asleep on the floor. My favorite friend was trey, he was my first 'boyfriend' and my first real bestfriend.  His mom kicked him out of their house for some odd reason so we were his actual home for a really long time and then finally it was time for him to go grow up and start a life so that is what he did and I still miss him so much; but before he left he gave me a box full of buttons and coins and little toys so I could remember him and I keep it beside my bed to remind me that he is still here for me.
         There were lots of boys in and out of our home and then my cousin came to live with us and it was great. I love Devon so much and he was the fun one that would taunt me and then get me ice cream. One night my brothers and my cousin were having a bonfire and Dev though it was a great idea to throw gas on the fire but when he did the gas stuck to his skin and he caught on fire. He had 1st degree burns all up his arms and legs. It was months and months of sponge baths and treatments so he would get back to normal and now he has a baby boy with his wife Shannah that I adore.
           I started dance at 2 and have stuck with it ever since. Dance has and always been my go to forever.
Stressed? Dance.
Sad? Dance.
Happy? Dance.
Sometimes all I think I have is dance and it is great. I love competing and traveling because I have an awesome team with amazing girls.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2016 ⏰

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