Awakening Of The Triangle

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(y/n) - Your name
(e/c) - Eye color
(y/s) - Your state (You're living in or moving to)

-Your dream-

You slowly opened your (e/c) eyes. The sight was like an old TV screen, shaded with colors of black, white, and small tint of gray. It looked just like any other dream you've had since you recently moved to the small town of Gravity Falls, Oregon. Your parents thought it would be a good "moving experience" for a growing teenager. After all, you were from (y/s). 

You slowly walked through a grassy long plain, broken teeter-totter aways back. Broken assortments of other things as you passed. You recall that you've only got these quote-on-quote, "dreams" since you've moved here.

Visiting the popular tourist attraction called The Mystery Shack, you encountered all the fake mysterious objects from the tour but, soon you met a young teenager with brunette floppy hair named Dipper Pines. He believed he could trust you with the truth along with his bright chirpy sister named Mabel. He showed you an amazing historic-looking journal, full of all kinds of supernatural phenomenon and other creatures in Gravity Falls, almost encountering all of them, Dipper had stated sounding rather brash. 

You were always curious about the mysterious things in life that had always been hidden until Dipper shut the book. All you could get on the page was a deep red ink, a bit smudged but it was notably a dangerous message.


You snapped out of your thoughts trying to get the confusion out of your head when the wind suddenly picked up starting to blow the plain grass around wildly.

"Well Well Well Well Well Well Well!" A high-pitched male voice sounding like a broken record repeated. You blinked looking around. The grass around you had blown down into a form of a triangle with a large eye. Standing in the middle of the eye, a white light shone from above making you shield your eyes in an effort to block out the blinding scene.

"Wha-?" You uttered when you heard the male's voice reply right back with a light cheerful tone. His light still blinding.

"Your curiosity interests me about the journal page, (y/n)." The light began to fade only appearing on the other side, but you were able to blink out most of it. You stared in pure confusion. A bright yellow triangle burned brightly, the yellow aurora around him like northern lights. Pure evil cat-like eye staring you down.

"Who are you?" You snapped as he laughed made you float up. You stiffened, trying to balance uncomfortably in the air.

"Name's Bill...No call me Bill Cipher, toots." You could only narrow your eyes at his enthusiasm.

"Bill Cipher?" As he talked his triangular body pulsed with light. You floated in the air when he spoke. 'He's a Demon' You thought.

"Yep. That's me, the one and only!Although, I've known you since you moved to that trash heap!" Bill replied.

"How. You're not real. This is just a dream." You retorted quickly when a thin black cane appeared swinging it around one of his pitch black hands.

"Oh, I'm real toots. About just as real as Pine Tree but, not paranoid and scared." He replied to your question only making your eyes narrow even more, which sounded a bit impossible by this point.

"Stop calling me toots. I don't even know you! Pine tree? As in Dipper?" You asked recalling a blue shaped pine tree on his hat.

"Mhm. This ring a bell, dear (y/n)?" Bill asked eyes flashing as he snapped his fingers with a free hand. The journal appearing by his side, flipping pages until it landed roughly on a page with the familiar dangerous looking ink. DO NOT SUMMON AT ALL COSTS. You grabbed it studying the page. A sketched exact picture of the pyramid was on the page, looking back up to see him. It was as if he looked...satisfied?

"I-I didn't get to see this part...What do you want with me?" You sputtered out hands beginning to tremble. His eye narrowed a  sudden action brought you close to him. His cane was firmly at the back of your neck making you yip in surprise. His eye stared you down right to your soul like a trance.

"I'll make it bold enough for you to understand, Deary....I always get what I want and what I want is you by my side, toots. I could use another puppe-I mean er....Buddy. Like you who's interested in "this" kind of stuff." He explained as you watched him, many thoughts swimming through your head. 'Is he serious? Wait. Did he just say puppet?!'

"I did and no I'm serious. I can show you the world of mysteries." The pyramid said like he was about to start a musical. You gave him a startled expression. 

"Did I just say that out loud? Well....umnnnn...I-I gotta wake up, sorry." You protested, removing yourself from his cane. Bill's eye twitched as he grew enormous quick. His demon eye growing red and bloodshot.

"WHATTTTT??!! You can't get away from me!!" He snarled.

"dO yOu KnOw WhAt I lOoK lIkE wHeN iM mAd!!!! I Always Get WHAT I WANT AND WHEN I WANT IT!" Bill roared fiercely, causing you to flinch. 'Jeez, this thing sounds like a five-year-old'  You thought while his eye burned on your back, cold and savage.

"S-sorry!" Bill then snatched up your arm.

"I WILL get what I want. You are mine." He hissed, blue fire sprouting in his other pitch black hand cane now somehow gone.

"And you WILL make this deal." Bill's voice echoed through you like a megaphone had been pressed up against your ear. You shook in his grasp eyes wide as things began to fade into pure darkness, leaving only the angry outline of the triangle and your thoughts.


 You gasped, realizing you had woken up from the terrible nightmare. Your covers ruffled, hanging limply off your twin-sized bed. You on the floor. The bare wooden ground had been scratched down with a large symbol indicating Bill Cipher. You backed up a bit and ran towards the door completely ignoring the calls from your parents then swept yourself outside.

"Dipper better have a good explanation for this!" You breathed out, sliding into the forest and towards The Mystery Shack.

Oblivious to the triangled shadow 






Will you see Bill again?

Will Dipper have an explanation?

How do you think Bill will try and get you to make a deal?


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