the Bachelor and love of his wife chapter 19

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Zayn POV

Wow I can't believe I almost slept through everything I need I was asleep my wife was in pain Liam wife was in labor what the bloody hell is with me when I sleep . Are you sure a title wave when wake me up just then I looked at my wife and she was still in pain hopefully some people that are some pain medication

Zayn baby you still look like you're in a lot of pain you need anything right now cuz I can tell you're in a lot of pain just by looking at you you can't even get comfortable can you

Pamela knowing bloody hell you know I'm picking up a lot of your British terminology like what the blocks and other stuff like that but then again technically I am half British because Simon is my father whatever pain medication they gave me just is starting to make me feel a little loopy so I have a feeling that I'm going to be going to sleep is not always easy sometimes

Zayn well I'm starting to make you feel loopy then pretty soon you should go to sleep I hope because I hate see my baby in so much pain I mean we've been through a lot I mean I'm still in a lot of pain everything from where I'm recovering from my car crash there's just so much going on right now and I better be recovered before we hit the road again as one direction cuz if I'm not I'm going to be stuck like this for awhile

Simon all the doctor should you boil will heal with time just give it a chance anyway I'm going to go make sure you guys have everything you need and you get back to sleep the two of you if you can meanwhile I have to figure out what the hell's going on with this whole situation about Heather plus I have to go check in and see how jennifer is doing giving birth this is one crazy night in this household if you ask me

Zayn I say this is one crazy night wonder what else can go wrong that night tonight don't say that to the something like that you jinx it

Pamela baby are you so superstitious I didn't know you were kind of cute so sexy even

Simon okay I don't need to know about my daughter call your husband sexy or anything like that I'm just going to go and do I have to do be back in a bit and get those images out of my head

Pamela lol love you daddy

Simon love you too baby girl

We we both had to have a laugh as her father left the room because little book on his face about the way me and her were talking to each other was priceless but seriously what could happen again tonight is not like anything else could we go wrong can it

Harry your name stairs we got a little problem down the stairs I'm like that too umm lets see 2 women in labor downstairs one curling in labor up here yeah we have a bit of a crazy night considering we have Selena and labor and we now have my baby in labor and Jennifer is giving birth right now so yeah this is going to be a fun filled night I better go find your father and tell him Zayn

Zayn I think this is going to be a wonderful night they're all in labor and I just heard the weather report I think we're going to have a freaking storm so after they all give birth 999 is going to have to sometimes figure out to get here to get the three of them to the hospital Blitz note the sarcasm in my voice

Pamela baby you do know how to always make a moment out of something don't you lol but anyway we really gotta figure out how they're going to all give birth I'd help but I'm stuck in this bed he help but he stuck in this bed so you're going to have to get the other people to help somehow this is gonna be one crazy night I mean three women in labor me who has had the baby is not too long ago stuck on bed rest and pain you still bring your car crash and we're trying to figure out if they're going to find any my mother hectic but don't you think

Harry now look who's trying to lighten the mood anyway let's get this done and over wit because I really need to make sure my wife is okay I've never been put in this situation before sure she's been pregnant before we have the kids in the hospital most of the second pregnancy but we never had to have the kids not in the hospital if you know what I'm saying

Pamela okay for one thing very calm down to take a deep breath 3 take another deep breath and force stop talking like a motorboat

Zayn honestly dude you're talking so fast with the wondering anyone of us can understand a word you're saying

Harry ok good point I'll slow down but really this is a lot to deal with right now

Louis the room hey how are you better go back down to your waist she kind of need you right now and I'm telling you right now this is crazy because selena is going almost going to have Niall's wrist broke because she's holding on to him a little too tight

Harry yeah you're right I better get back down to make kitty Kat

Pamela kitty kat that's a sweet nickname

Harry that's what he is to me anyway I better head back down there before she takes my head off and then some

Zayn well welcome to the life of having pregnant women and getting ready to give birth trust means not always a walk in the park especially when they're ready to kill you sometimes but you gotta go with the flow and I know one thing once they're finished they always apologize to you because that's what she does here she never lets me feel like it was my fault it's just the pain meds talking and the contractions talking to she always warns me which is good so just remember anything they're saying to you is not because they hate you or not it's just they're telling you off because of the pain trust me is the pain

Pamela he's right so they want to kill you guys in anyway don't buy into it is just the pain believe me been there done that for and I'm still in pain from a recovering from it

The Bachelor The Love Of His Wife Book 5 In The Bachelor SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now