Chapter Three - The Burrow, the Memories.

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Hey guys! How be you? I have been stressing out about typing because at the moment I have an essay on Tuesday and a math test and a Drama performance AND rehearsals...

Anyways this is just me uploading so  enjoy! BTW (for people reading my Hogwarts Most Wanted Story) SPOILER ALERT :DDDDDD


Chapter Three – The Burrow, the Memories.

The next day Crysta woke up at three in the afternoon, because of her medication it was normal for her to sleep late and the Weasley’s accepted this. Even though Crysta was usually an insomniac she was sleeping only because of her medication.

For almost a year Crysta had been living with the Weasley’s. They were kind enough to add on a new room for her as they had met her over a year before. It was small but respectable.

Although the Weasley’s didn’t quite understand her situation and where she stood in life they were always there for her.

As Crysta opened her eyes, she saw the chocolate brown ones of Fred staring back at her.

Fred had lain with her for the past hour. Watching how peaceful and at bay she was always showed how far she had come from when he had first met her. How she had changed for the girl in the hospital to the girl he loved.

Crysta smiled as Fred pulled her closer to him.

“Good morning.” She sighed rolling over. Fred laughed. Crysta was never the best with time management. He wrapped his arms securely around her waist, his chin nestled into the crook in her neck.

“Sweetie, it’s already three.”  Crysta sighed. “And, it’s tonight…” Crysta immediately rolled back over to face him. Her eyebrows raised in worry.

“That means I’ve wasted the whole day! That means we only have hours left…” Crysta was starting to panic. It was the night of the move. Tonight was the night that the Order had to move Harry Potter to safety.

“Shhh, shhh, shhh sweetie. I know, that’s why I’m here. Because, if I don’t come back-”

“Don’t say that! Don’t you dare say that to me Fred!” Crysta buried her face into his chest, his fingers lifting it back up for her eyes to meet his.

“If, if I don’t come back, then I want to spend as much time as possible with you.” Fred’s eyes started to well up with tears.

Quickly, he wiped them away smiling at Crysta. Although they had been dating for only a few months, Fred loved Crysta, but wasn’t completely sure if it was a brotherly love or a romantic love. Crysta felt the exact same way, and it had been awkward the past month.

“Then why didn’t you wake me up earlier?” She asked him as she soon became drowsy and tired again. He smiled at her but didn’t answer. He didn’t wish to upset her further. He gave her a small kiss on the forehead before they fell asleep in each others arms.

Draco sat awkwardly in his room thinking, regretting. Every time he had closed his eyes he could see his old headmaster falling from the Astronomy Tower, lifeless and dead.

He squeezed his hands together. His room was the only place in his home that hadn’t been contaminated by the Dark Lord. His hands got cold as he twisted one around his wrist. He put his hands in his pockets as an attempt to warm them.

He felt the folded, crinkled piece of paper as he dragged it out. Seeing once more, the surprised face of the girl he had met earlier that day. He smiled to himself as he lay onto his back.

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