What if?

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I bore my eyes at Brittany who has her phone burning against her ear, it’s been 3 hours since we sat here in this coffee shop stack of books in front of us whilst I got my fourth steaming cup of coffee on my hand, Brittany as well ordered a cup but until now she hasn’t took even a single sip.

I dramatically rolled my eyes and return my attention back to my books, seriously if she will continue talking loud like that then I may have to lose it. My eyes have been wandering the words written but honestly I can’t understand any single thing I’ve been reading.

That’s it! My head automatically flew on her direction when she started cackling and gaining everybody’s attention, well the shop wasn’t that crowded – just a few students trying to concentrate on their own books whilst sipping their cup of coffee- just like me. But I mean who can concentrate if you got someone talking like this? I gave Brittany a glare when her eyes met mine. Seriously Britt?

“Ok Babe, Love you too. Bye.”

“You done?” I asked sarcastically before returning my eyes back to God knows what I am doing.

She just giggled and muttered a little sorry before slowly clutching her cup and took a sip. “This ice latte is not too cold.” She grimaced.

I gave her a pointed look and took a sip of my own. “Well, it’s a steaming coffee, three hours ago.”

She just shrugged and let her fingers run through the first pages of her book. “I don’t think I can finish these.” She muttered lowly a small pout lingering along her lips.

My hands went autopilot as I grab couple of books stacked in front of her and adding it to my own. I mean we equally divided the books we have to read from the library but if Brittany will continue pouting like that, seriously I may have to rip her lips off. It’s my fucking weakness, okay? I actually don’t care if I have to read every single word written and relate it to her word for word as long as I can spend time with her.

2 hours later~

I’m already on my last three books when the vibration of her phone made a buzzing sound startling the shit out of me. My eyes automatically closed as I try to compose myself, seriously if that phone call will take another three hours then I may have to walk out and read the rest on the subway or something. I sort of regret that I haven’t warned her about bringing her phone and everything, usually if we have some group studies and stuff I would snatch her phone and hid it inside my bra, but this time I didn’t get the chance to get it. If it wasn’t the fact that I wanted to spend time with Brittany then I’ll fucking take this assignment on my own.

My plan is ruined that’s for one. Honestly? I didn’t get the chance to sleep last night for I was pretty excited that Britt and I get to spend time together, I could stare at her face, her eyes, her lips and her nose, the way her eyes flicker and her orbs meet mine. The way her lips would form that pout and make my heart flutter like a fucking thing that flutters. Does that make any sense? Whatever.

I mean every time we would do some group project or something shits like that, I usually found myself staring at her and smiling like a goof. Jeez! I’m pretty embarrassing when it comes to her and yes it’s fucking embarrassing.

Britt and I have been best friends since we were like five and I get to say that I’m in love with her since the first day, as if I can define love by that age, but the only thing I know is that I wanted to be with her for the rest of my life. That’s just how it works, you’re in love with your best friend but she has a girlfriend- yes life is so unfair. I may have to say that my love life (as if I have one- I love to assume. Sorry)  it’s pretty typical and common but I get to conclude that if there is something constant about it it’s the fact that I know that Brittany loves me too- as a sister (that’s the least I know). And it fucking kills me.

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