Girl On The Run

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ok, so this is kind of out of what I'm used to, so ya. Give me feed back and read my other stories! I always like to right and read stories with alot of feels so I can put myself in there place (even thpugh my life is better than most of there's) so, if there are some things that I could improve on tell me, but remember to mot be a hater!

~Lucy's POV~

 How clich'e was this? A 14 year old getting abused, cuts, doesn't talk, doesn't have any friends (well, duh!) and is now running away with 200,000 dollars? I had been saving the money for a special time, and this seemed pretty special! I didn't know what to do, I mean it's 10 o'clock, take a bus go in a hotel? My mind's telling me to take a bus far away. I live in a small town in Georgia called Rock Creek (I actually looked up towns in Georgia and that's a town! You learn something new everyday) I'll just go to California! Probably a small town... Wasn't there some town called Venom there? Ya! I think there was! That'll be interesting! I found a bus that was near San Diego, oh well! "ma'am how old are you?" the lady asked, of course! "I'm 16 ma'am" I could pull off 16, but not 18, sadly. "What are you doing alone then?" she asked me, thank you mind for quick thinking! "I'm visiting my grandparents and my parents are taking care of the smaller kids, they don't think they could make it that far on bus" I said as sweetly as I could "that's fine! here's the bus now" (ok so honestly i think that's how some buses work, but this is just a clich'e story or however you spell it) the lady said and pointed to a bus, I nodded my thanks and walked to the bus along with other people. I sat there and mostly slept or grabbed out an iPod that someone gave me, I forgot who though. I listened to some awesome songs like Radioavtive, safe and sound, I will not bow, etc. i stared out the window watching the different landscapes, there was so much beauty in America, I wonder what it's like in other countries and Continets, it must be beautiful, with all the culture, art, music, and personalities! I know personalities can be the same anywhere yet it would still be nice to go there. I wonder if anyone has gone everywhere in the world, well that's impossible! they might've gone to every continet, but i don't know if anyone's ever gone to every country. 

*time skip to where she's going*

We were now here! in that town near San Diego! i forgot it's name but oh well! i'm just happy to be away from the devils I had to call my parents! Oh no! What am I going to do? I'm a 14 year old girl! i am a little taller for my age so I can get way with 16 and very few times but sometimes 17. What am I going to do? It's not like I can buy a house or rent or anything! I went inside one of those little stores for torists, and not a quick shop or something. i saw a boy around my age, a little taller than me or what it looked like, then I noticed he was now infront of me, a little too close for my liking too. I took a step back "may I help you" he asked, wait so he worked here?? (yes I meant to add 2 question marks.) "you work here" I asked him, he shrugged "kind of, this is my friend's parent's store, so I hang out ask people if they want anything check them out" I noticed him pause and try not to laugh, oh! I get it! That is funny! "and then I get money, so I guess it's a job" he said to me "so, you get to check people out for a job?" I asked raising my eyebrow, he started laughing "I have to check out what they get" he said, I nodded. I would never be this talkative where I come from. "so where do you come from?" he asked me "Rock Creek Goergia" I told him "that's a weird name" he said "what's your name?" I asked trying to get off the topic for no reason "Luke Foster, yours?" he asked "Lucy... Griffin!" I said, he gave me a questioning look, I had to come up with a new last name, It was fine with people knowing my first name because a bunch of people have that first name and Griffin seems like it would be popular so ya, I guess that's good "you sure?" he asked me and raised an eyebrow, i gave him an annoyed look "yes I'm sure" I said trying to act as annoyed as possible even though i wanted to burst out laughing for some odd reason, he did this duck face smile, which made me burst out laughing and made him laugh and smile, showing off his dimples that he apparently has, I wonder why I didn't notice that earlier. I heard a car or something start, I turned my head towards it and stopped laughing "your parents aren't in there right?" he asked as the bus started to leav, i shook my head "far from it" i mumbled "so what're you doing here then?" he asked me and I looked over at him "umm... " was my only reply as I looked at my shoes, black converse i noticed that Luke had red converse, nice. "did you run away?" he asked me and I looked up at him and saw his face was totally serious "mhmm" I mumbled and he randomly hugged me, i'm not used to hugs and love so this was really awkward as I slowly pulled up my hand and awkwardly patted his back. then he pulled away and I noticed he was slightly blushing. "i don't think the 'parents' will care if  they adopted a kid or something" he said, wow first day in this little town and someone thinks there parents would be okay with adopting some random girl that they've only talked to for about an... HOUR?? What? Time flys when you're talking doesn't it... and awkwardly hugging... "do you want to go to the house now?" he asked me trying to change the subject of us hugging, or him hugging me... "sure!" I said as cheerfull as i could. "follow meeeee!" luke said and started running off "hey!" i said as happily as I could and ran off to him "ok, little kid questions now! Favorite color, animal, and... I dunno favorite element like fire, water, air, earth and i dunno anymore so... ya" Luke said, i thought about it "animal, wolf. Color, purple or red, and favorite element... fire!" I said "so... you like a purple wolf on fire?" he asked me, I started laughing and shaking my head "no, what about you?" I asked him "hmm... probably a unicorn earth and orange" he said laughing "awww!! Why did you say earth!? And unicorns don't exist!" I told him, he gasped "unicorns DO exist! Without earth we would all be floating in space!" he said "nooo we wouldn't be floating in space because we would be dead!" i basically shouted at him "exactly, yet fire is pretty cool..." he said then he stopped and turned to the side staring at a house, I turned towards the house, it was pretty big "we're here!" he told me and started walking up to the door. I jogged up to catch up with him "this is your house?" I asked him when i caught up with him, he nodded smiling "it is" was all he said. When he got up to the door he opened it (duh!) and yelled "Tiffany! Tom!" he yelled, why  didn't he say mom and dad...?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2013 ⏰

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