v: chest pains

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   SAINT ROWENA'S ACADEMY for Young Girls is Antares' top pick for a quality education befitting a royal. Girls learn proper etiquette and how to best serve their kingdom with the help of an excellent staff and a magnificent campus...

"Who the hell cares?" Maisie mutters to herself, flipping through the pages of The History of Antares: The Golden Age Edition with a sluggish indifference.

The Golden Age spans one hundred and forty years and starts at the beginning of the Costa reign and describes in detail everything up until the current king, Gabriel, takes up his spot on the throne. Maisie disagrees with basically everything the book entails — it praises the monarchy incessantly, gives the reader nothing but blatant lies, and glosses over the gradual ruin of Cape Carnelian at the hands of the Costa family. "I think this should be renamed The Bullshit Edition."

She picks up her cup of tea daintily and sips at it slowly as she continues turning pages. She's sitting in the same cafe where she first got a glimpse of Aiden. Classical music is still playing softly, the place is still spotlessly clean, and the customers are still some of the most well-dressed people she's come across in the city.

It's confusing just how nice this place is; it's right in the middle of the slums, the place where people are starving on streets, and yet, no one bothers it. No one comes in and tracks mud across the shining tiles, there aren't any fights breaking out in the premises, and she hasn't heard of anyone trying to steal food from the display shelves that are overflowing with muffins, and cakes, and other treats people would trade a limb for.

On a gloomy March third, the kingdom came together to mourn the loss of the young Princess Selene, daughter of King Gabriel and Queen Marissa and sister to Prince Xavier. The princess had been kidnapped by a gang named The Hunters on her way to Saint Rowena's Academy and had been held for ransom. After a grueling four days, word came to the royal family that Selene had been killed by a rogue member of the group. Selene had been five-years-old at the time and nearly the entirety of Cape Carnelian attended her funeral to pay their respects...

Maisie can't help but snort at the last line. "Pay their respects? More like revel in the royal family's misery."

"Talkin' to yourself again, Gen?"

Maisie's head snaps up and her eyes narrow at the sight of her two least favorite sisters. Nebula and Azura stand in front of her table with mischievous grins, both with their hands on their hips, dressed head to toe in black leather.

"Could you two be any more conspicuous?" Maisie mutters, irritated that she was so engrossed in her book that she let the two of them sneak up on her. She's an assassin, and getting snuck up on in broad daylight is pathetic.

"They're her's and her's matching leather outfits, Genny. We're trying to be cute and coupley," Azura coos, wrapping her arm around Nebula's waist.

Maisie gags. "You two make me sick."

"I think she's just jealous 'cause she's having a dry spell," Nebula mock whispers, causing Azura to crack up.

"Fuck off," Maisie growls and drinks her tea angrily. "What are you even doing here?"

The two sober up instantly. They pull up chairs to Maisie's table and stare at her intently, their silver eyes practically glowing.

"Here on behalf of Orion." Nebula scoots closer to her and leans in. "Wants to know how your super secret mission is goin'. And I'd like to know what it even is."

"Tell him I'm getting closer and that I need more time. As for you, go away."

Azura moves in on her left side, getting so close that her pink hair softly caresses Maisie's face. "Is this about Mauve?"

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