IwaOi Part 11 - Don't Cry

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Iwaizumi just stared at Oikawa,

"C'mon Iwa-chan! Say you love me too!"

"Stop it"

Oikawa became silent,

"Come on lets eat breakfast" said Iwaizumi.

As they were eating breakfast, Iwaizumi asked him,

"So how many girlfriends have passed since I was not by your side?"

"I never had a girlfriend Iwa-chan, My last girlfriend was the one I broke up with last graduation."

Iwaizumi was surprised. Really surprised that he even stopped eating.

"How about you?



We're still together"



Oikawa felt the time stop. Iwaizumi was still in a relationship with his first girlfriend.

"She's a nice girl you know.." Said Iwaizumi,

"Yeah she is Iwa-chan"

Oikawa was about to cry but,

"Don't cry, I'm here" said Iwaizumi while he hugged Oikawa tightly.


The next day, Oikawa was training at their volleyball gym,

"Everyone! Listen up, Mister Iwaizumi will be joining us from now on for two weeks, he will be observing us but please welcome him" said the coach.

Everybody bowed at him,

"I'm looking forward to working with you" Iwaizumi said.

Oikawa had a big smile on his face. He was so excited to show Iwaizumi how improved he was so he shouted,

"Okay guys, lets go!"


During their break, Oikawa approached Iwaizumi.

"Iwa-chan! Iwa-chan! Did you see my serves? They improved so much no one can beat them!"

"Yeah don't be too loud I'm working here"

Oikawa can't hide his happiness, "Okay! Here's 100 serves!"
And he left Iwaizumi to practice.

"Ahh, he's such an idiot"


The next day, Iwaizumi's second day observing them.
The team had a match, but they were lacking players, the coach approached Iwaizumi.

"Iwaizumi-san, I'm sorry to ask you but can you please play for us? We are lacking players today."

Iwaizumi agreed to join, he changed to a sports attire.

Oikawa was surprised,

"Woah Iwa-chan! You toned up!"

"Of course, even if I don't play volleyball often right now but I go to the gym"

The coach called them and said,

"Okay listen up! We will have Iwaizumi-san playing for us so please cooperate"

Oikawa and Iwaizumi were team mates.

The match began,
Oikawa tossed the ball to Iwaizumi again, Iwaizumi spiked the ball and went straight down the opponents side.

They both shouted "YES!!"

This brings back memories... Oikawa's thoughts.

Their practice ended. Everybody was going home,

"Why are you following me?"

"Iwa-chan I'm going home with you"

Just like the way we used to before...

"But your apartment is at the other way"

"I know"

"Don't tell me..."

"But Iwa-chan!!!!"

Iwaizumi ended up letting Oikawa stay with him because he isn't leaving him at all.

They finally arrived at Iwaizumi's hotel room,

"I'm gonna make dinner"

Iwaizumi went straight to the kitchen, Oikawa followed him.

While Iwaizumi was preparing their food, Oikawa hugged him from his back and said,

"Iwa-chan, isn't there any chance for us?"

Iwaizumi didn't answer,


Iwaizumi faced Oikawa

and Kissed his lips.

To be continued..

(I'm sorry for the cliffhangers. 🤓)

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