Chapter 4

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"Where in the world have you been boy?!" Lady Fan Lei screamed through the house the moment Yixing stepped into the house, nearly causing Yixing's ear drums to explode. Yixing kept his head bowed as the lady stormed around the foyer, ranting about his foolishness.

When she did not receive an immediate apology, Lady Fan Lei spun around and delivered a hard slap across Yixing's face, sending him falling, hand pressed to his flaming cheek in shock. "Get up!" Lady Fan Lei yelled and Yixing struggled to his feet immediately, propelled by the curse. She smirked at the thought of the punishment she had conjured. "You will sleep tonight by the fireplace in the kitchen and sweep up all the cinders. If I see even a speck of soot on the floor, you will get exactly what you deserve."

She flounced away and was joined by Zitao, giggling from where he had been hidden with Chanyeol. Chanyeol glanced at Yixing, wide eyes full of sympathy. He looked as if he wanted to say something but Yixing lowered his head and hurried away to the kitchens, eyes burning up with tears of humiliation.

Night fell all too quickly and Yixing was relegated to the fireplace with nothing but a bundle of straw and an old jacket. He prodded at the grey dust with the poker, stoking the flames up higher, but they tumbled quickly with too little tinder to burn.

The stone floor was icy and damp, the draft sweeping up through the cracks. Yixing shivered and moved closer to the fire, poking at it again. The embers diminished quickly and soon went out. Yixing poked them again and again, hoping to bring up a stray spark but nothing. He sighed, curling up against the straw bundle and hugging the jacket close around him to keep warm. The cold cut through to his bones like a knife and he tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep. A tear slipped down his face and he wiped it away angrily, before stuffing his face into the straw bundle harshly, ashamed of being so easily controlled.

Maybe he deserved to be there after betraying his parents so.

He saw neither the dark figure of a tall young man laying a blanket over him nor the stout housekeeper relighting the fire for him.

Sunlight ran in streams through the kitchen windows and Yixing stirred himself awake. His bones ached from laying on a cold stone floor all night and he stretched before reaching for the broom standing in the corner of the fireplace. He swept up the ashes of the fire that had flown out of the grate and onto the floor before he stopped at a thought.

A white blanket was crumpled up on the floor where he had slept the night before, its snowy whiteness marred slightly by the soot from the fireplace.

He was startled by loud footsteps in the hallway and hurried to sweep away the ash. Chanyeol crashed into the kitchen, ginger hair flying crazily around his head. He scooped up the blanket and dashed off again, eyes open wide as he looked at Yixing.

Yixing stared after him in surprise.

Had Chanyeol really risked his mother's wrath to bring him a blanket?

He filed that away into the back of his mind and resolved to put extra maple syrup on his pancakes to thank him.

Maybe he wasn't so bad.


Yifan parried an attack that came directly at him and lunged forward. His adviser ducked down and stepped forward, stabbing his sword at his chest.

Pale skin.

Dark eyes.

Brows furrowed in anger.


Yifan ended up with the tip of his adviser's sword pressed against his throat, something that had not happened in a long time.

"You are distracted, Your Highness." His advisor pulled his sword away, stuffing it into the nearby storage bin and gestured for Yifan to do the same.

Yifan sighed agitatedly and placed his practice sword neatly away. "I just can't stop thinking about him." He said, running a hand over his hair tiredly. His advisor side eyed him as they walked from the practice room. "The boy from the forest. He's just...urgh. Stuck in my head all day."

Yifan rubbed his temples forcefully and his advisor took his turn to draw out an exhale. "You cannot forget that you are a prince. And as a prince, you have your duties." Yifan swore and his advisor hushed him with his next words. "Watch your language."

"You sound like Father and, believe me, that is the last thing I need right now Joonmyun."

Joonmyun glanced at the prince with sympathy that colouring his gaze. "Is he being too hard on you again?"

Yifan groaned and massaged the sides of his head again, "He wants to see me married before I am crowned."

Joonmyun patted Yifan's arm sympathetically. He had been the one to hear Yifan's recent and past woes that his father had been inflicting upon him through the years.

"Speaking of your father, he asked to see you after your training." Yifan groaned again but started off in the direction of his father's chambers.


"You asked to see me Father?" Yifan stood at the foot of his father's bed, nervously twisting his hands together.

The old king grimaced in pain as he sat up, Yifan automatically reaching to help him. "I have decided." The king paused for an abnormally long time, his weakening body making Yifan and the rest of the servants around them fidget. "We shall have a ball, and all eligible maidens..."

"And men." Yifan cut in quickly, the dark eyed boy from the forest flashing into his mind. He smiled ever so briefly at the short memory.

The king's advisor glared at him but settles down when the king nodded, something clearly pitching off with the man. But the king's next words drew Yifan's attention back to him. "Whatever you wish my son. But remember, you are to marry someone of noble blood. That is your duty."

Yifan winced.

Why did his father and Joonmyun sound exactly the same?

Yifan nodded and stood quickly. "I will arrange for the proclamation immediately."

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