For Eternity

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Chapter 14

We arrive at the house as everyone is saying their farewells to the Cullens. The Denali's had already left, as I see Bengie and Tia saying farewell to Nesme. Garrett and I walk towards them smiling, I give Bengie a hug.

" Come visit soon I know how much you like Tiger and i've heard of some small village in India is having a slight problem with a couple of them attacking their village."

I chuckle, " We will be sure to make a stop along the way but I think for now we will head to my estate?" I question looking towards Garrett as he wraps his arms around my waist.

" Sure thing love." Garrett replies with a smile, " Where ever you wish my flower."

we give a couple more hugs to the remaining clans, as they leave I turn towards Alice and Jasper as they walk towards us.

" Hello my brother, how have your travels been?" I smile towards them

Jasper chuckles, " It was rather exciting and long i'm glad to be home."

Alice smiles widely, " I see my vision came true, you were a great help and I'm glad you found Garrett."

I smile as Garrett looks down at me, " Me as well, I don't know how I survived so long without her."

I chuckled , " I feel the same, but I believe it is time for us to depart we will return in a couple of months. I feel mentally exhausted from all of the excitement."

Jasper laughs loudly, " Yes sure you do, with the way your emotions are running I doubt you will be sleeping."

I swear I was blushing as the rest of the Cullens start to laugh.

" Okay Flower lets say our goodbyes shall we?" Garrett chuckles in my ear.

We proceed to say goodbye to the Cullens' and take our leave towards my house in Montana.

——-TimeSkip——- This next part will be a Lemon so if you don't want to read you can just skip this part. Mature Content you are warned.

The trip to my cottage in Montana was short, time seemed to pass even more quickly then usual and I found myself some what self conscience about what was to happen. Perhaps I would not be able to partake in the act, maybe it is wrong of me to do so before marriage? Being born in the time that it was not allowed to take part in premarital intimacy, I found myself doubting as we walked inside the cottage holding hands. The cottage was rather humble in terms, I had had Esme construct it as one of the places I could go home to and as Jasper had the connections with a man who could make new birth certificates for me every few decades, I had been able to as they say " Keep it in the family". The walls were intricately created with light greens and whites that I had kept up over the years to make the house be the only real stationary part in my life, this is my true home. I was pulled out of my trail of thought by the handsome vampire that I had journeyed with as he walked with me to the bedroom. The bedroom was made up of a four poster king sized bed that I would lie in to give myself a sort of normalcy that I longed for in my long life as the undead. The sheets were a mixture of dark green and brown to portray the forrest outside of the house and the iron bed frame complimented the rest of the dark wood colors of the rest of the furniture. I had a vast record and CD collection on the wall closest to the door complete with my stereo system.

The man beside me turned to me and smiled

" So my flower this is your primary place of residence is it not?"

I smirked, " Not quite I also have a place in Vancouver and a couple of places in Europe that I use often enough, though I haven't been able to return to Europe in a few decades."

The Lieutenant Colonel a Garrett/ OC love story/ UNDER EDITING Where stories live. Discover now