Truth or Dare Jenga

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The entire room was quiet and intense. No one had moved a muscle as everyone's eyes were set on Y/N. It's been nearly 5 minutes and she was stuck. Her arm was starting to hurt. She needed to move it, but she couldn't just yank it out. If she did she would lose and she wasn't ready to lose just yet. Y/N swallowed back the tightness in her throat and started slowly moving her arm back towards her. After what seemed like hours, she was finally able to achieve her mission. She let out a sigh of relief as she was finally able to pull out the small black wooden block without knocking down any of the other Jenga pieces.
Just like every Thursday night, it was game night at Scott's house. The entire pack was in the middle of an intense game of Jenga, Truth or Dare edition. The game has been going on for over an hour. No one has knocked down the tower of multicolored wooden blocks, but have admitted their truths, and completed their dares. Scott had explained his worse moment at a party. Isaac and Lydia swapped clothing items, which had everyone on the floor laughing as Isaac returned to the room in Lydia's dress with the zipper unzipped. Allison shared her deepest fear, and blew a raspberry on Jackson's tummy. Jackson sat on Stiles' lap, rubbed his nose with Scott, and kissed Lydia.
It was Y/N turn again. All night she had picked dares to avoid telling the truth. She rather do something fun and stupid, then be vulnerable in front of her friends. They are all great friends but she was closest to her best friend, Stiles. He's the only one that knows every part of her, well almost every part. He knows all her favorites. She's not afraid to share her dreams and secrets with him, but there's one secret he doesn't know, her love for him. She's not ready to tell him. She's not ready to possibly ruin a good friendship. Which is why she kept picking dares all night to avoid truth questions regarding her feelings towards Stiles. She could lie, but she knew Scott, Isaac, and Jackson would notice. Except, everyone kept teasing her about always picking dare, so she finally changed her mind. Not because they teased her but because all the dare blocks were in complicated places. If she had picked any of the dare blocks the Jenga blocks would fall and she would lose.
Y/N looked down at the black rectangle block between her fingers. "Describe your first kiss." She read out loud. Of course, she would get this block. Fate wouldn't let her get away with it that easily. She looked blankly at the wooden black block and felt everyone staring at her, waiting for an answer. "Um," she bit her lip nervously. "I, uh, haven't had my first kiss yet." She cleared her throat, feeling the blood rush to her cheeks.
"Really?!" Scott asked amazed. "You're 16!"
"Seriously? Never been kissed?" Jackson asked.
"I had my kiss when I was 13," Isaac shared.
"14 and it was terrible. He had bad breath." Allison added, making the guys laugh.
"How have you not been kissed yet, Y/N? You're gorgeous." Lydia pointed out.
Suddenly, Y/N felt like there was something wrong with her and began to question everything. Did boys not like her? Did they not find her attractive? Was she too short? Not tall enough? Weird? Ugly? Over weight? Not skinny enough? Not athletic? Was she not kissable? Is that even a thing? She asked herself. She folded her arms under her chest as all her insecurities came rushing back. She was 16 already, and turning 17 in a few months, yet she still hadn't had her first kiss yet.
"So she's never been kissed," Stiles defended her, making everyone quiet. He looked to his left at his best friend, who had her head slightly bowed down. He placed his hand on the small of her back and began to rub small circles with his thumb, comforting her. "Maybe she's just waiting for the right guy. Ever thought of that?"
Everyone suddenly felt terrible about their comments. Lydia reached in and placed her hand on Y/N's arm. "I'm sorry. We're sorry." The pack nodded their heads in agreement. "The time will come and when it does, I hope it's ten times what you imagine it would be like."
"And hopefully someone with good breath," Allison added
Y/N laughed. "Thanks guys."
"Okay! My turn!" Stiles looked at the Jenga blocks in front of him. He studied each block, trying to find a piece that would not only be easy to pull out but that wouldn't knock down the entire game and lose.
"Well," Isaac chimed in. "Even though you truthfully admitted you've never been kissed, how about you tell us who you would like your first kiss to be with."
Y/N thought about it for a while as she fiddled with the block in her hand. She didn't want to say his name. She never planned on admitting her feelings, but what if this was fate telling her to take a chance now before it's too late. "Stiles," she mumbled, still looking down to avoid seeing everyone's reaction.
Unexpectedly, the sound of wooden blocks falling and scattering all over the coffee table filled the quiet room as Stiles' jaw dropped. Y/N immediately looked up, and noticed everyone staring at her. Scott's eyebrows were raised with his eyes wide. Isaac and Jackson looked disgusted, wondering how Y/N was attracted to someone so annoying. Allison smiled and Lydia giggled. Except, Y/N eyes were focused on Stiles who was staring back at her with a red block between his fingers. Everything happened so fast. Y/N wanted to go back in time to fix her mistake and take back her answer. She was mortified as she realized she did something she spent her entire life avoid doing and possibly ruining a friendship.
Y/N suddenly felt hot and nervous. She broke eye contact with Stiles as she placed her block on the coffee table and pushed herself off the floor. She cleared her throat, trying to push back the tears that were slowly forming at the corner of her eyes. "I'm sorry. Excuse me." She mumbled and walked towards the front door.
Allison and Lydia started getting up to chase her, but before they got up, Stiles got up and ran out the door.
The girls looked back at Scott and Isaac who were staring at Stiles' block on the floor. Scott picked it up and smiled.
"Well, what does his block say?" Allison asked.
"Kiss the person to your left." Everyone smiled.
Stiles ran down the quiet street and couldn't find Y/N anywhere. He figured maybe she made it home, but when he arrived at her house no one was home. Right about now Stiles wished he had wolf powers to find her scent, to hear her voice, and heartbeat. He would give anything to find her right now. He couldn't figure out where she would be, until he saw a couple of kids playing in their jungle gym in the backyard next door. A little girl chased a little boy around the slide, then in between the swings, and up the ladder. It reminded him of Y/N chasing Stiles at the park when they were younger. Suddenly, Stiles knew exactly where she was as he ran towards their park.
With the sun down, the park was dark with the exception of one street light pole with the bulb flickering. The sound of the nightlife hummed, breaking the peaceful silence. People never came to this park anymore as it was beaten down. Except, every now and then Y/N and Stiles would go back. They would go when one of them needed to get out of the house and vent. Sometimes they would go when they couldn't sleep and talked until the sun came up. Truthfully, they would go anytime one of them wanted to. It was their spot, their place, and their haven.
Stiles jogged up to the playhouse, climbed up the ladder, and made his way through. Stiles saw Y/N knees pulled to her chest with her arms wrapped around. Y/N had her head bowed into her arms as she cried. Stiles placed his hand on her arm. "Y/N..." he whispered.
Y/N's head jerked up at his touch. She wiped the tears from her face with the back of her hand and began to ramble. "Stiles, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to say what I said." She said between sniffs. "I don't want this to ruin our friendship. You are my best friend. I would do anything to have that instead of nothing at all. Please don't tell I ruin it. Stiles, I could never-"
Stiles interrupted by pressing his lips against hers softly. After she realized what was going on, she began to kiss him back, making their lips sync in perfect rhythm. Stiles cupped her cheek gently, pulling her a little closer. She felt the warm of his touch spread throughout her body, igniting the butterflies in the pit of her stomach.  Y/N wrapped her arms around Stiles, her hand caressing his hair at the bottom of his neck. Stiles felt his lungs burning, in need of air. He slowly removed his lips from hers, breathing heavily, with his forehead pressed against hers. She felt the warm of his breath against her lips, and traced his bottom lip with her thumb.
"You didn't ruin anything." Stiles panted in between deep breaths. "You're my first kiss, too, and I wouldn't want anyone else but you." Stiles smiled.
Y/N let out a deep breath she had been holding back. She closed her eyes and smiled. Stiles wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in tightly. "It's you, Y/N. It's always been you." He whispered in her ear.
Everything Y/N was worried about washed away at the sound of his words. She felt at ease knowing the boy she's been in love with her entire life, felt the exact same way. Although this meant their relationship would change, she was more than happy to know she wasn't going to lose her best friend, and she couldn't help but smile at the thought it all started with a little game of Truth or Dare.

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