Chapter 2

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Harry's P.O.V.

I woke up feeling fully rested. There had been no alarm to bother my sleep and no manager to knock on my door, eager to deliver news. This break was going to be good. This break was going to be great.

I rested between the pillows as the spring sun pierced through the curtains covering the floor to ceiling windows. Maybe life was good, maybe this break would offer me the chance to get my life in order, maybe it would offer me the chance to get her back.

I had dated since I broke up with Taylor. And quite a lot some would say, but no girl has ever had the effect she has on me. I had seen her last night in that flawless picture, looking like a supermodel, smiling from ear to ear. I wanted to be there for her when she smiled like that, I wanted to cause her to smile like that.

Thinking about her chilled my whole body. Why had I been so stupid? Why had I let her go?

I sighed.

A knock on my door disrupted my disturbing thoughts, bringing me crashing down to reality again. I had to stop picturing myself beside her, making her happy in all the ways imaginable to mankind, when I was probably her most bitter memory.

I opened the door to face a very casual Liam. He was wearing a white T-shirt, a pair of sports pants and black Converses.

"Mornin', mate," I greeted him all sleepy and groggy, my voice reaching a whole new level of raspiness.

"Hello to you too," he smiled, "but it's way past morning, Hazz," he said, pointing to the clock on the opposite wall that showed half past one pm to be the time.

"Fine, I'll give you that," I smirked and moved from the door frame, allowing him to pass  through.

"I'm not coming in," he told me as I went to change my frayed tee for a checkered shirt and pull some dark jeans over my long legs. "The boys and I were just wondering if you wanna join us for lunch in Lou's room," he asked as I jumped into my brown leather boots.

"'Course, mate," I said, grabbing my keys and heading out into the hallway with him.

"So, what's your plan?" Liam asked me as we got into the elevator and pressed the button.

"Huh?" I still groggily questioned. It may have been past midday, but I was not fully awake yet.

"Where to next, mate?" Liam asked again and I figured out what he was asking.

"I don't  know," I said as the doors popped open, revealing a hallway similar to mine. "What are your plans?" I asked Liam as he pointed me to the room at the far end.

"Niall's jetting off to Dublin today to spend some time with family, Lou's taking Eleanor to Spain on holiday and I'm flying to London today," he explained as we entered.

Louis and Niall were gathered around the table, dressed just as casually as Liam. Lou's made up luggage was sitting by the door as he smoked a cigarette by the window. Niall was already eating everything that he could lay his hands on.

"Hey, lads," I greeted as they turned to me. They all had plans that started immediately, either with their families or with their girlfriends and I didn't know what I wanted to do next.

I had planned to take mum and Gemma on a holiday to a surprise exotic destination, but that was only happening in June, so I had plenty of time to spare until then. I looked around the table at my best mates as we dined together for the last time in God only knows how long. It would be weird not having them by my side all the time, with their stupid little quirks and idiocy, but I knew that they were always a phone call away. (A/N: I give you permission to hate me for those last few sentences; Hell, I hate myself for writing those.)

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