the client

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chapter 1 the dream

Chapter 1 I can't take it anymore
It was the beginning of the new year in S.P.R aka Shibuya Psychic Research like any other day Mai was once again late for work . "Oh no, I'm late for work Naru is going to kill me " mai yelled well she was getting ready . It was a rainy day in Japan and Mai's power went out so she had to hurry to work without eating breakfast. "Mai you're late, i want tea now " Naru aka Kazuya Shibuya said in a ice cold voice" yeah yeah but in my defense it wasn't my fault that my power went out "Mai instructed with exhausted in her voice while she walk to the kitchen to make "his majesty" his oh so precious tea .she then thought back to the night before when she had that nightmare no vision. Where She was a child and she walking home with her mother all of suddenly she was taken from her mother by force and all she could do was watch when her mother was killed in front of her in front right before she was going to see the person faces she then woke up with tears in her eyes . " Mai where is my tea, " we'll he walk in the kitchen to see Mai was in a daze and he try to snap her out of it when she started to fall backwards lucky he was already there to catch her in his arms . Then suddenly the business doors were open by three boys one of there the boy had green hair and blue eyes while the other two had identical features they both had red hair and dark brown eyes and the same faces Naru lift Mai up in his arms knowing she would not wake up for a few hours and he then walked to the couch and put her down softly then he turned around to look at the boys and ask in a business tone "what can i help you with" " we have a ghost problem " the one with red hair and blue eyes he then turned to look at Mai and asked " also is she ok ?" it was something that all the boys wander. Naru glance at the boy and confirmed that she is in fact fine ,she was sleeping and to keep on topic if you want me the take this case. "Yes Shibuya my name Kia yu this Ken Yuri this is Kenny Yuri the ghost has been give people creep marks with a upside down Pentagon and and words that nobody can understand " Naru rise his hand to stop the client " what do the worlds say" the client's look at each and shook their heads like saying they don't know Naru told the clients to continue with a wave of a hand that just what the clients. "And people have been disappearing and found with red eyes , hair gray that looks like they had their spirit token of them ,they then jump off a cliff" and the twins grim and asked " will take this case " and Naru was about to say yes when all suddenly they heard a scream and turned to look at Mai. What they saw was amazing

To be continued

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