the mom

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I don't own ghost hunt or fairy tail

I try to smile when I see other girls with you
Acting like everything is ok (everything ain't ok)
But Ohhh
You don't know how it feels to be so in love (so in love with you baby)With someone who doesn't even know (Oh Yeah)
My secret love" when she finish the song she had tears in her eyes but she did not note that someone was behind her who stated to applaud Mai hand turned so fast she got whiplash just to see Bou-san clapping " wow Mai I had no idea you knew how to sing like that " while giving her a bear-hug " you're hurting me "

Then suddenly a purse came out of nowhere and hit him on the head "What was that for Old-hag!"Monk yells at, Ayako, "Did you just call me a hag you stupid monk. Oh before I forget mai you sing very well" Mai face went crimson

"How long have you been there watched me sing? "They stopped fighting and look at each other and said in harmony "The whole time you where sing "Mai was about to comment when the whistle blew on the teapot, she point at them and said "Do not tell anyone about what you heard pretty please "

"Yes Mai-Chan" Monk and Ayako said

"Thank you very much Monk and Ayako" Mai said waking away from them with tea in her head

In the manor outskirts of town

"Layla, We frond your daughter"! Kia yelled to the women in corner

Layla turned and said "where is my daughter? How is she is? She OK is she well is she Happy "

"Yes she is , well she at S.P.R no she is not happy she is broken heart because the person she fell for dose not love her but other than that she is fine "

She smiles a small smile and assumed "I'm just happy I got to see my all daughters before I die " and she turned and said "thank you so much for everything "

"No problem "Ken said with a sad smile on his face

Back to S.P.R

"Mai tea "Naru said while look at the case folder he heard a knock at the door "come in Mai "

"Here your tea Naru "Mai said with a frown while hand him the cup of tea as soon as she gave him the tea she turned around and went to the liver room and sat down Naru was right behind her and sat down by her

"Mai when you pass out you had butterflies cover you like a shield of protection could you explain "

"What are you talking about?"Mai asked with a confuse voice

"So you don't know what I'm talking about you know what never mind" he said getting up and going to his cave

To be continue


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