Patient: Jossen Garret

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I walk into the last house of the day, I grab the 3 boxes of large pizzas and write a receipt for 16.37$. I knocked on the door and I rang the doorbell twice. A man in a suit opens the door, with a melancholy expression. I dismissed it and said "Hello sir, I have an order for 3 large pizzas with 2 toppings of Extra Cheese and Pe-" He cuts me off "How much is it?" "Its 16 dollars and 37 cents" he motions me in and disappears into a room. I awkwardly stand in a living room, that's when I smell a horrid odor. I walk towards the horrid thing, and I stop when I see a hand peeking out of a closet. I turn around to return to the door, but then I am met face to face with a blunt object and it all goes black. I wake up and I find myself in a dark room. I can't see anything but I honestly don't care. I try to free myself as I am tied to a chair. I eventually sleep knowing that my efforts were for naught. I wake up in a white room what looks like one that would be for crazy people, the one with the cushions. A man walks in and says. "Mr. Garret you have a visitor" I walk through the weirdly lit hallway and enter a room with a glass window on the other side I see HIM. The man that was there that frightful night. I scream. I yell. I call for my mother, my father, my sister or anyone who could help me. The man on the other side of the glass begins to cry but, I. Don't. Care. I want out. I eventually am escorted back into the room. Words echo from what that man said to me "Son! Snap out of it! It is not our fault! It is not my fault! It is nobody's fault your mother died!" my mind hazy. I walk, I need to do something but what is it? It doesn't matter I am on the last delivery of the night. 3 pizzas. 3 large pizzas with extra cheese and pepperonis.


Author's Note:

This is my first creative writing piece i have done in a loooooong time so if it is not really good then...ok ok i am making excuses but please expect better things from me. i honestly am trying to get back into the groove. please leave your undying hate in the comments. i swear i am (somewhat) ready.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2016 ⏰

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