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    Our story is like many others; love, betrayal, forgiveness, then love again. You're probably thinking, "great, she just ruined the entire story." Wrong. I said, "our love is LIKE many others," emphasis on the bold. Now before I start my story, let me tell you a little about how Kevin and I first met, so you will understand and not have a heart attack thinking you missed a first book or something because I skipped this whole part.

So our story started at the beginning of last summer. My friend Kate (who's parents are majorly rich by the way) got to go on a trip to Paris, France for what Kate likes to call "educational purposes." She only called it that so I wouldn't feel bad that I couldn't go on this insanely fun vacation with her. You see, every where that Katy went, I got dragged along with her. All of her huge, awkward (but totally hilarious because her entire family is made out of drama queens) family reunions, I was there, with a huge sticker that said, "Hello, my name is... Katy's best-est friend ever!!" slapped to my chest. However, this year Katy found out she was going three days before she had to leave, and me, never having stepped out of the United States once in my entire life, did not have a passport. So Katy went off to France with promises that it was strictly for education, and also that she would bring me back a killer shirt... yay. So there I was, stuck in Coeur d'Alene Idaho, the most boring town on Earth, with my mom.

Or not

Two days after Kate left, my mom told me that she had gotten a call and that she needs to go to Montana for the summer for some business stuff (once she mentioned business I completely zoned out... can you say boring much?) Of course, being that she is my mother and that she was concerned about me being alone, she offered for me to come with, and me, having been too Montana exactly once, and never wanting to go back, politely declined her offer.

Just kidding, it went something along the lines of this....

"Sara Lee Ann Masters, you are coming with me on this trip whether you want to or not. I don't care if I have to drag you out of this house kicking and screaming, you are going!!" my mom yelled, with her hands on her hips.

"I am eighteen years old, I am legally an adult in the state of Idaho and I do not want to go." I yelled back, folding my arms over my chest showing that I was just as stubborn as her.

"You call this being an adult? You are screaming and throwing a fit like a four year old because you don't want to go somewhere." she yelled.

"Well what do you call what you're doing mom? Screaming and throwing a fit because some one said no? You're acting the same way I am." I screamed, then slammed my bedroom door and locked it, very much like a four year old I do say. From the other side I heard her grumble in frustration and I knew my point was made. Me 1, mom 0.

So you see, lots of yelling. The next day was nothing but tension between us, then that night she told me I was right. I was an adult and it was time for her to start treating me like one. Me 2, mom 0. She said she would put $500 on my card every month for food and anything else I need, and not to worry about the bills. So the next morning she left, and I was all alone in a house already filled with food, and $500 in my bank account. So what do you suppose an eighteen year old girl with $500 dollars did? If you said shopping, you are exactly right. Now you are probably wondering when the hell am I going to get to the good parts. Well just calm down and wait, stories take a while.

So that's what I did. I bought a few new out fits, a swim suit or two, and some new shoes. By the time i was done I realized it was already 7 and I hadn't eaten anything that day. So I went to a nice little dinner called Shari's. And that's where I met Kevin (finally right?) We had gotten there at the same time and were seated at tables across form each other. Now you probably want an in depth description of this guy right? Well I'm in a giving mood so here you go. He was about 6'3" he had the body of an athlete, brown hair just long enough to run your fingers through (and i definitely wanted to) eyes that were color of an ocean during a storm, and a smile that could stop your heart from beating (and it definitely did that on more than one occasion.) After a few minutes, the waitress came back over to his table and he whispered something in her ear. Whatever it was she shot daggers at me with her eyes, but nodded any ways.

Smiling, he picked up his menu, and sat in the chair across from me. He introduced himself and told me he thought I could use some company. So for the next few hours we talked, he told me he lived in Montana (also hates it) and that he was here on vacation for the summer. As we continued to talk, he asked if I wanted to play a game. It was called A Truth and a Lie. What you do is tell one truth and one lie and the other person guesses which is the truth. So I agreed. I told him I was the popular girl at school (lie) and that I had a deadly fear of water slides (true). Kevin got them both wrong. Now you see, Kevin is obviously the popular guy from his school, and me, being the shadow to the popular girl, was not. So I lied. I told him I was definitely not afraid of water slides because you know, who would be afraid of those? Right? So not me. (So me.) His were easy, his truth was that he wet the bed till he was 8, and his lie was that he never played on a sports team.

So the summer went on, we "dated" you could say, we hung out, kissed, but that was it. We both agreed that sex wasn't a good idea being that he was leaving at the end of august. Life was good. Then August came and Kevin's parents came to see the town. Kevin introduced me to his parents and we all got along well. However, August came, and went, and Kevin had to leave. We were both sad, I thinking some tears were involved too. We decided not to talk anymore, long distance never worked, and with that, he left, taking a part of me with him.

And now you know, sad right? Well wipe up your tears because that's not the end of it. But as you see, our story is similar, but also not at the same time. Our story started with A Truth and a Lie. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2016 ⏰

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