~*He Remembered*~

220 14 6

Song: Invisible by 5 Seconds of Summer

It was almost the end of the school day and little compliments from people didn't even seem to lift your spirits. You just wanted this day to end. Teachers gave you homework and tests today, it literally just made it worse.

At the end of the day, you were about to say goodbye to your friends but they just passed you by, as if they were in a hurry. You waited in the cold for the bus, checking your phone to see if anyone sent you a message.

In the iMessage group chat however, you had 5 missed messages. You felt a little spark of  hope.


Purple: Ugh. School.

Chloe: I swear Yato is just as gay as Yukine.


Chloe: *1 image sent*

You raised one eyebrow in confusion. Maybe they didn't see your message.

Me: Everyone forgot what day today is...

The bus arrived and you got on. Throughout the bus trip, there was no response from them. Maybe they were on their way home too. When it was your stop, you got off and began the walk home. Slow music played in your headphones and only sad thoughts came to your head.

'Maybe I'm just no big deal..sure, a couple people remembered, but the people I care about, the people I thought cared about me...think I don't exist, like I'm invisible.' You thought in your head. When you arrived home, you put your bag down on the porch and sat down on the swing there. You slowly swung, back and forth, crying in between.

In fact, you wouldn't be surprised if Cole forgot your birthday too. Of all days...why today? Just then you heard and felt someone get on the porch. "What's wrong cupcake?" You heard a familiar voice say. You look up and saw Cole! Standing in front of you with a worried look on his face.

You wiped your tears and looked back down. "If I told you...you wouldn't even remember..nobody does." You said sadly. Cole frowns and sits down on the swing next to you, swinging slowly with you. Cole puts his arm around you pulling you closer to him. You rest your head on his shoulder, still feeling sad.

"Remember your birthday? Now why on earth would I forget that! Why on earth would anyone forget that?!" He says with a smile, hoping to cheer you up. You quickly sat up and looked at Cole. "Cole?! Y-you remembered?!" You ask making sure.

"Course I remember! Or else I wouldn't have made special plans today for the both of us!" He says and you grin at his words. Cole did remember! You hug him tight and he chuckles. "Happy birthday cupcake! I'm gonna make this the best 15 years of your life!"

You let go still smiling, Cole was the best. "Alright! Present number one! Close your eyes." He says and you do as instructed. You felt something being put on your head. "Okay! Now open up!" You open you eyes and Cole holds a mirror. You look at yourself in it and see that it's a new flower crown! It was beautiful, it had white, purple, peach and pink flowers on it.

You took it off to examine its beauty closer. Cole knew you loved flower crowns. "It's beautiful Cole! I love it! Thank you!" You say and put it back on your head. "Don't thank me yet! The day is still young! And so are you! So get dressed, casual if you want, and meet me back out here." You smile and hug Cole once more before grabbing your backpack and entering your house.

Cole Buckets remembered your birthday.

Birthday Cake: A Cole Bucket ScenarioWhere stories live. Discover now