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So, this is the prologue for the second book. I'd highly recommend reading TVS before you read this, seeing as this is a sequel, after all.


The muffled groan slowly escaped me, even though I tried to clamp my mouth shut to stifle it. I wasn't bound. There was no need.

I was on my knees, though I was more slumped backwards with my head hung low than actually kneeling on them. Strong hands gripped my shoulders, though by whom, I couldn't see. A dull sensation throbbed through me. There was no need to figure out what it was.

I was with Sam, when he attacked us. Foolish, I thought. He came, along with some of his followers. After all, if you really wanted stuff to work your way, you had to get it done yourself.

The ground was rough, bare stone. I tried to study my surrounding, though I failed to completely lift my head. Instead, I studied the ground, with its rough texture. I could feel each dip and ridge through my jeans. My eyes fell on a small black bug, crawling merrily along the ground. I watched the small insect crawl along one of the little ridges, as her low whimper pulled me from my little study.

Sam sat in the same manner, though her hands were bound. The rope looked rough, which explained the dried blood caking her wrists. Though her whimper was caused by the woman behind her. Long blond hair, bound in a ponytail, with dead looking gray eyes. Anger coursed through me as I saw her grip my sisters shoulders tighter than needed. The caked blood on my neck ripped open. By my movement, I caused the two puncture wounds to open up again. Surely I'd heal again, though not without some fresh blood.

Anger wasn't going to bring us out of here. Even if we'd managed to get away, the dead blood was still in my system, weighing me down. Causing me to be a burden. It would still be another hour and a half before it was out. Another hour until they noticed I was still alive.

An unamused smile crossed my lips as a thought intruded. Now I knew why mother chose a human man, instead of a vampire. We could have stayed low. She could have survived.

Footsteps echoed through the room we were in, it was him. I bared my fangs, fighting my muscles to lift my head to glare at him.

"Finally. The infamous hybrid slave, and her sister, the vampire one.", He stated, a smug grin featuring his lips. He was shirtless, though I paid no attention to that. Instead, I studied the silvery white scar across his chest.

My eyes finally found his.

A throaty laugh escaped him as he caught a glimpse of my bleeding neck.

"Screw you, Odin.", I murmured, letting my head slump forward again.

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