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Sarada's POV

I opened my eyes and took in my surroundings. "W-Where am I?" I heard footsteps approach the room. "So your awake." I looked up. "Let me go!" He wagged his fingers. "No, no, no. We have to be patient. Those precious little eyes of yours will be mine soon. So you won't have to go through all the trouble." I flinched as he brushed his fingers against my face.

"Let her go Sasuke! That's enough! You've crossed the line this time!" I looked past Sasuke and saw Naruto. "Hokage-sama!"

He glanced at me. "Don't worry Sarada! I'll get you back to your mom soon." Sasuke glared at him. "She's not going anywhere. Although I know where you're going. 6 FEET DEEP BELOW US!" He charged towards Naruto and he slapped his hand towards the floor blocking his Chidori.

"I know you're tricks Sasuke." Sasuke grinned. "I was only getting started..."

They clashed for what seemed like hours. Looking at the Hokage slowly die before my eyes. I used my Sharingan to guide the Hokage anyway I could. There was no way I was letting that he-devil kill the Hokage. 'Something seems off...Oh no!'

"Hokage-sama look out!! Behind you!!!" He was to slow to turn around. I closed my eyes, not wanting to watch what was about to happen before me. I heard an impact and slowly opened my eyes. My eyes widened in horror. I started whimpering. "M-MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMM!!"

Naruto's POV

I closed my eyes waiting for impact. I waited for my life to fade before me. My family, my Friends, my Mentors... Everything. I opened my eyes and found my worst nightmare happen before me. "S-Sakura-chan..." I fell on my knees. "SAKURA-CHAAAAAAANNN!" Tears streamed down my face as I started trembling. I laughed historically. Red chakra surrounded me. Covering me with anger and hatred.

'Destroy, Kill, Revenge.' I slowly stood up and walked towards Sasuke. I looked him dead in the eyes. 'Die...Sasuke...Die' I said in a demonic voice. I let Kurama take me over. 'Do whatever you wish Kurama...Kill...Sasuke...

'Destroy' I grabbed him by the neck and slammed him creating a massive hole on the ground. Blood spewed from his mouth. I grinned evily.

'Kill' He slowly got up and charged towards me again. I turned and a tail pummeled him to the floor. He couldn't go any longer. I slowly walked towards him.

'Revenge' "I told you you'll pay for this Sasuke...I thought you had more in you....heh...guess I was wrong... I enjoyed our little " reunion ." He passed out. I slowly fell from my nine-tails cloak. I gasped as it felt as it was taking my skin with it. I crawled towards Sarada and untied her. She was shaking and scared. "My m-mom...g-go save my mom..." I layed her down and went to Sakura. I held her in my arms. "Sakura-chan... Oi! Sakura-chan! S-stay with can't go Sakura... You can't..." Tears stung in my eyes. My head fell, tears streaming down my face. I felt a hand cup my cheek. I looked up. "I love you Naruto..." A tear rolled down her cheek and dropped on the floor. My eyes widened as she said her last words.

I shook her softly. "S-Sakura-chan! SAKURA-CHAN!!" I grabbed her face, crying while our foreheads touched. "W-why...why did you love me! I was such a fool!!"

Sarada walked up to me. Tears falling from her eyes. She wrapped her arms around my neck and broke down. I hugged her and cried along with her. We cried for about an hour. Jounin came, carrying the bodies. I looked at Sakura's face for one last time. 'I love you to...Sakura-chan..'

Naruto's Dream...

I looked around. Everything was pure white. "Where am I?" You're safe' a voice called out. "Who are you!?" I heard a giggle. 'You forgot about me already Naruto?"

My eyes widened. "Sakura-chan?!" Yup!"

"C-can I see you?"

"Of course. Just imagine I'm there with you."

I closed my eyes and imagined her here. I opened my eyes and I saw her there. She had on a white dress stopping a little after her knees. She was barefoot but she still looked amazing. "Sakura-chan..."

She smiled at me. "I'm sorry Naruto...I know you told me to stay put b-but...I can't let you die.. You have so much to live for.."

"You did to! You had Sarada, and me! Your family! Everyone." She smiled. "Even in heaven you argue with me. Hahaha."

I smiled at her. 'She's so peaceful here...and happy...'

"But I don't have the Hokage title. Or two kids and a stable relationship. Not to mention a perfect marriage." I pouted. "Come on Sakura-chan...your making me feel bad..dattebayo.."

She laughed. "Sorry..sorry." She started sparkling. "Looks like I have little time left."

"Wait you can't go!" I noticed her tearing up. "I'm sorry about this, but can I ask a favor?" I nodded. "Yes anything!"

"Please take care of Sarada. Make her feel like she has a real family. " I held her hand. "Of course I will. I promise." Tears fell down her cheek. "Thank you Naruto...So much..." She started fading away. I reached for her hands. "Sakura-chan!"

"Take care of yourself and your family! Don't forget me!" I felt her aura for the last time.

Naruto's POV

"Sakura-chan!!" Hinata woke up startled. "Naruto-Kun what's wrong?" I looked at her. "N-nothing. Sorry just had a bad dream." She looked sympathetic. "Is it because of Sakura-san? Her funeral is tomorrow."

"Yeah...I know..." I smiled and looked at the ceiling. "I'll make it special. The whole village will be there." I put a hand over my heart. "She deserves the best."

Hinata smiled. "I know. Try to get some sleep for tomorrow Ok?" I nodded. "G'night"

Sorry it's whack! I'm terrible at fighting scenes lol! Thank you to AnbuAgentkid just_a_girl1800 My_smile_went_insane not_a_girly_girl Saruma-chan and everyone else for keeping up with my story! There will be one more chappie k? Thanks for reading!

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