Part 1

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Sooooooo whaaaaat's up... I know, I know I promised you guys a chapter of Love Wholeheartedly and I shall be updating today I promise, it has been supremely busy. I am a college student and work is hard, but I am here now! So let us begin...

It was a nice and slow day at the Scomiche house. After a year to so Scott and Mitch had slowly became more than just friends at a certain time. They have now gotten married not too long ago and they had talked about adopting children constantly. They were getting closer to their decision.

"Scott! We could totally do this. We have been together long enough and I believe we are ready." Mitch said.

"I know Mitch, but we have to make sure we have the right precautions and get everything right." Scott said.

"Like what?" Mitch asked.

"Tour is coming like soon, we won't be home a lot, we need beds, toys, clothes, and then will we have time?" Scott asked.

"Babe at least go through the process and talk with the group about the adoption process." Mitch said.

"I guess that could be a start, maybe we can asked them on their opinions." Scott said.

"Yeah that'd be a good idea." Mitch said.

"...Mitchie?" Scott asked timdly.

"Yes Scottie?" Mitch replied.

"Would you want a girl or a boy...I'm just asking just in case we do go through with this." Scott asked.

"A little boy, maybe not a baby, but a toddler, a kid." Mitch sighed smirking.

"Babies would get really really sick on the road." Scott proclaimed.

"Yeah with a toddler or kid they have more of a chance to stay healthy." Mitch said.

"Yeah I would love to adopt a child with your eyes." Scott said.

"But they are just brown." Mitch laughed.

"Yeah, but they are so warm and loving." Scott said.

"I would love a child with a huge smile and a huge heart." Mitch said. "I meant that figuratively of course when I said huge heart."

"Why?" Scott asked.

"Because then he would be like you." Mitch smiled.

Mitch and Scott smiled at each other.

"Well we have work maybe we should get ready to go?" Mitch suggested.

They both got ready for rehearsal and then they made it to the studio. Like always everyone was there before them.

"Hello late birds! Are you two done kissing face?" Kevin sassed.

"Look like you don't do that with our husband, you have no right to talk to me." Mitch said walking away sassily.

"So hey you guys we will start with a warm up song, just choose a few or do the intro to the concert up to you guys." Ben, their manager, said.

"Ok , but after the rehearsal Mitch and I have some questions and maybe an announcement." Scott said.

"Ooooo can't wait to hear it!" Kirstin said. 

"Can we start with something slow please?" Avi asked.

"Yeah for our voice right?" Scott asked.

They continued to rehearse for hours and get ready for the upcoming concerts the have yet to announce. 

"Hey so what was this announcement you guys guys ?" Kirstin asked at the end of rehearsal.

"Oh well umm we wanted to know what your guys opinion was about us adopting?" Scott asked.

"Oh really! You guys are going yo do it!" Kirstin said excitedly. 

"I think it is possible, but you know we are about to go on tour and also have to be on the road a lot." Avi said.

"Yeah will we have room, we have to plan for more food, more room, more age appropriate things." Kevin said.

"We understand what comes with adopting a child whose parents are constantly on the road." Mitch said. 

"Have you guys started the process?" Kirstin said. 

"No we wanted to make sure you guys are ok with it, the company, Esther." Scott said. 

"Ah I don't think Esther will mind, but have talked to Ben?" Avi said. 

"Not yet." Mitch said. 

"Mmm you guys should get that done." Avi said.

"Ok we will do it right now." Scott said taking Mitch's hand.

"We will?" Mitch asked confused.

"Yes we will!" Scott said.

"Ok good luck." Kirstin said.

"Hey Ben." Scott called over.

"Yeah Scott." Ben comes over.

"Mitch and I are thinking of adopting a child." Scott said to him.

"Wow ummm ok have you taken everything in work, what to expect, what plans you have for the future when we are on tour?" Ben asked.

"Yes and we have it all planned out. The child will bee with us for the most part of the tour until we go home, then my parents will take over, taking the child. My parents watch the child, for the fist half and Scott's parents will be helping also talking him for the second half. Then we will be home in those two to three weeks." Mitch explained.

"That sounds good. What about work and concerts in the winter?" Ben asked.

"Alex and Jake would be watching him or her behind the scenes." Scott said.

"Ok are you getting a baby, a toddler, a kid, or a teen?" Ben asked.

"A toddler child, a boy hopefully, and we will do anything to keep everything in order." Mitch said.

"Well you guys seem adamant on this...I wish you guys luck in adopting." Ben said.

"It won't effect work we will do our best." Scott said smiling.

"I count on it." Ben said.

"Ok well....." Mitch looked at Scott.

"Let's do it!" Scott smiled.

"YES! Starting off with finding that child at the adoption place." Mitch said.

"Awh how long will it take?" Kirstin asked.

"Well we are fully homo and we will be on the road so we will be going through some suspicious people." Mitch said.

"Yeah, but we are ready for a step forward." Scott said.

"So tomorrow we are going to search hard right." Mitch said.

"True!" Scott said.

"Well I 'm proud of your guys, you guys will be great parents!" Avi exclaimed.

Mitch and Scott smiled. Then they all talked more about the adoption process until it was time to go home. Mitch was getting ready for bed and Scott was searching adoption agencies.

"I have two or three we can search at tomorrow." Scott explained.

"Ok babe, but you have to rest well or no looking anywhere tomorrow." Mitch said coming to lay down.

Scott turned off his computer and laid down.

"I'm excited Mitchie! Just think our own kid to love, to hold, to help." Scott said.

"Yeah for him to run to us when he's scared, to sing when he wants comfort." Mitch said smiling.

"Tomorrow." Scott said closing his eyes.

"Yeah..." Mitch said also going to sleep.


WOO I am done with the first chapter wooo! Tell me what you think. It is kind starting off slow, but we shall get there! 

Until next time~ Mindly_Insane

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