~ 4 months earlier ~

"Come on faggot!" Derek spat at me. I looked around at my surroundings to see if anything could be used as a weapon. The empty halls were soon filled with screams.
Not mine of course but Derek and his gang. I don't remember what happened. I dusted of my shirt and proceeded to leave the now bloody hall of Hills High. I black out when I get mad and the "demons" take over. That's how I got kicked out of my last school.
At the trial they all thought I was lying, but I honestly don't remember.
Olivia's Perspective
I tried to comfort my best friend Bianca. Her boyfriend just broke up with her. It's hard to deal with her pity problems.
"You'll be okay." I try my hardest to act like I give a shit. But sometimes I know I come off fake. She looks up with me with teary eyes.
"How do you know?" She asked as she sniffles.
Because it's just a stupid boy
" I'm your best friend, why would I lie to you? " I shoot a fake smile at her. She seemed content.
"Let's go." I say to her as we stand up from the bench we were located at. She started telling me about her day but I couldn't listen. We walked in the cafeteria and we approached our friend group. Or should I say her friend group.
Conversations buzzed all around me, no one was talking to me. I nodded when I had to.
I stared off and looked around the cafeteria. I looked over to a table with a nerd group. The jock table. The undefined table, who are friends based on interests and common likes instead of stereotypes.
The nerds were all surrounding one who was, by the sounds of it playing geometry dash, while the others watched. I recognized a kid with glasses, I think his name was Brian. A girl named Tyler kissed his cheek. I found myself smiling at this cute action. But as quick as it appeared it disappeared.
I look over to the jock table, they were talking about a game of sorts. Something was missing, Derek, Justin, and Nathan. Where are th...
"Olivia, earth to Olivia!" I turned to my table. Everyone stared at me at the table.
" Are you going to the party or not?" A girl named Trish asked.
" Oh, sure." I mumbled and instead if getting back to people watching I tried to follow the conversation. The topic was dieting.
" Oh yeah I tried this new juice cleanse thing." Becca said motioning to her water bottle full of a liquid.
"It's cranberry juice. I just need to lose that 6 pounds for senior prom. " she continued.
"Becca, prom is 2 months away." Bianca stated. While the rest of us bursted into a fit of giggles.
" Speaking of prom, Livie do you have a date?" Trish asked looking down and using her fork to poke at her salad. I took a sip of my iced tea before answering.
"Nope, I'm not going." I stated. My friends gasped the fake people that sat there seemed surprised.
"I mean why are you surprised? It's not like any pretty dresses would fit her. " Some girl would I didn't even know stated. That hurt.
" Come on Liv, your just so skinny." Bianca said poking at my ribs. I flinched as she did, and then I simply stood up and stated, " I have to go." Turning away from the table and wandering into the halls to my locker.
I stopped at the goriest sight I've ever seen. Crimson liquid everywhere. On my boots. I hear my name being yelled. I look to see three bodies on the ground. All badly beaten. All of sudden it clicked. That's why they weren't at lunch.
I dropped down in my knees, and began to yell. "Help! Someone help me! They need help!"

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