Chapter 23

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   Opening my eyes to a horrendous snoring filling the room, I clasped my ears tightly

before turning and seeing Taylor beside sleeping soundlessly.

Hmm...what could it be th-SHIT

I looked at him once more before I knew that Taylor was asleep for sure. I slowly lifted my body off the bed and my feet onto the cold, very cold floor. When there I took a deep breath and quickly scolded the floor telling it, it better not make so much as a squeak or I absoultely nothing. It's a floor. I shook my head and began to lower myself down to the bottom of the bed. Now with my face so close to touching the floor I turned my head to left so I was looking directly under the bed.

 Though it was super dark my eyes managed to adjust to the darkness of it all and to my amusement...and frustration, Teresa and Cain were both sleeping on the hard rock floor. Teresa had hair all in her face and Cain was drooling with his mouth wide open.

I sighed, a smile breaking onto my face for a split second.

"Really!" I whisper yelled at them

Almost immediately they sprung up which ended badly for them considering they

were under bed. "Ow!" Teresa exclaimed "Mother of a.."

"Shut up" I said to Cain and quickly popped my head up just enough so I could be able to look upon the bed and see if Taylor was sleeping or not. And so he was. I went back down to the bottom of the bed and cursed them out before calming myself.

"Alright c'mon. Follow me" I said waiting for them to get from under the bed before moving toward the door. Though I had them start to tip toe so it took quite a while before we got to the door. We were like only half way across the room when Taylor started to stir and his arm began to feel around where I once was. I mouthed the word'crap' and out of panic pushed them hurriedly into the closet before closing the door rather loudly. I quickly stood in a position and looked around the dark room. Taylor sat up and rubbed his eyes clearly still half asleep.

"Riley? What are you doing?'' he yawned

"Oh you know, picking out a morning outfit" I spoke rubbing the back of my head, he nodsand slowly gets comfortable before falling back to sleep. I let out a breath of air before I opened the closet door letting the two teens fall out and almost knock me down to the floor.

"A morning outfit? seriously, could he be more dumb?" Teresa retorted and I laughed quitely

"Shut up" I laughed

We all got up from the floor and let out a deep breath in relief that Taylor was yet still asleep.I then made a movement with my hand gesturing for them to follow me towards the other halfof the room, which they did and so we reached the door. Now this was the hardest part of all.

The opening of the door.

I looked back at the guy and girl behind me and shook my head.

"We are now met with the hardest obstacle of this whole journey we've been through" I said

"You're right this is mission impossible" Cain admitted "how could we possibly get through a door" he said way too sarcastic for my liking.

"Because dumbo the door makes a dying elephant sound everytime you open it, so if were going to do thiswere going to do this slowly" I said before turning back around and grabbing the door knob before twisting it. I blew out a breath and slowly opened it already hearing the loud squeak from the door that almost immediately had Taylor squirming in his bed. So I stopped and 2 mintues later continued on with the process of the opening.

Finally when it was opened just enough for us to get past, Cain, Teresa, and Me all squeezed past and landed back in the hall way. We then shut the door and darted down the hallway to Sam's car.

"Wait..Riley its out of gas remember" Teresa said and I silently cursed before checking my pockets to find a 5 dollar bill in it. But it was no use by now, this particular gas station wasn't open 24/7 like others.

I sighed "So what now" I said defeated.

"Uber" Cain said and my mouth dropped, how come we didn't think of that before. Wow were dumb.

Cain then called up a Uber which was a long shot since its like 1 in the morning now, but it worked and soon enough Cain and Teresa were on their way to their home, but not before we exchanged numbers. I watched the car drive off seeing as Cain decided upon himself to go up through the sun roof and throw his hands up in the air yelling out "I Love You Place I Live In". I smiled and turned toward the car I had took and got in the back seat and rested until morning which I really didn't want to face at the moment. I mean for starters

1. I stole Sam's car

2. I have to deal with Taylor asking questions about why I wasn't in bed with him

3. Sam's going to ask why I stole the car

4. I didn't tell anyone this but my Mom is going to be visiting us at our next stop in Housten, Texas

which as we all know whenever she comes to me she has some ''awesome'' news for me.

5. We have wedding preparations we have to do soon

6. I have to go on a plane and risk my life and my ass falling off

7. I don't have another one but you got the idea that tomorrow and the day after are going to suck some serious balls.

When I then close to falling asleep I heard sirens coming very close and soon enough I the cop cars pull up next to the car and a police officer knock on the window.

"Yea" I said

"Please step out of the car, you are coming with us"

Sorry I didn't update last week like I supposed to, whoops

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