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I walked into Pootatuck middle school. I went to Mr. Roberts' office. "Hello, Miss Martin, how are you?" Mr. Roberts said. "Hey, Mr. Roberts I'm doing fine." I said. "Mr. Roberts may I tell you something about Mindy?" I asked. "Uh-oh." Mr. Roberts said. "What did she do this time?"

"She threw away my phone, and threatened me by saying 'I'm gonna make your life horrible'." I said. He shook his head. "Why do you think she would do that?" Mr. Roberts asked in confusion. "Well, because...Crispo and I maybe sorta kissed and I think it made Mindy jealous." I said shyly. "Wait, you..and Christian?" Mr. Roberts asked with an 'I can't believe it' face. 

"Yes, Crispo and I kissed, now please get Mindy in trouble?" I said begging him. Mr. Roberts sighed. "Yes, she is in trouble for ruining other people's property and threatening another student." Mr. Roberts said. YES! 

"Miss Minus, please report to the office, repeating Miss Minus please report to the office." Mr. Roberts announced. Mindy walked in the office. "Uck! What is SHE doing here?" Mindy said. "Ya know, I have a name." I said. "Who cares!" Mindy yelled. "Ok, ok, girls settle down." Mr. Roberts said. Mindy seat in the seat next to me rolling her eyes at me. I could literally care less. "Miss Minus, and Miss Martin, please tell me your sides starting with Miss Minus." Mr. Roberts said. "Alright Mr. Roberts." She said. 

"So, I was just wondering what was wrong with CJ, then I went in the restroom and I hear CJ fall off the toilet which she was hiding on. So then she got a text message from Crispo and I took it to see what it was because well you all know I love him, and...I read the messages and after CJ left she forgot her phone so I threw it away..." Mindy said telling the truth. "Alright, Miss Martin?" He said. "Well, most of that was true except she forgot when she said she's gonna make my life horrible and miserable!" I said. 

"Ok, girls, handle this out, please? Because I have to go to an important meeting in a few minutes. So, I am gonna leave you two in here until I come back." He said. "And how long will that be?" Mindy asked. "About an hour." He said. "AN HOUR WITH THIS?!" Mindy yelled. "Hey!" I yelled. "Enough girls! Now, have a nice afternoon together." He said leaving. "So, Mindy,how are ya?" I asked. "Oh, shut up!" She said. "You don't have to be mean ya know." I said. "Who gives a--" she started. "DON'T CURSE!" I yelled. "You're such a goody two shoes." She said. "I really do not wanna be in here with you! You are evil." I yelled. "Shut up!" She said. "That's why Crispo hates you!" I said. Mindy began to cry. "You're right, CJ, I'm mean, rude, and bad!" She said crying. "Cry it up! Cry you cry-baby!" I yelled.

1 hour later...

"I am so sorry CJ." Mindy said. Wait...Is she for real? "It's ok, but if I get a new phone, do not lay a finger on it!" I said. "Promise." She said. we hugged. Mr. Roberts walked in on us. "Hello, girls, how did it go?" He asked. "It went well." We said. "Good, but Miss Minus you are suspended for 3 days starting Monday, so you may call home." Mr. Roberts said. 

After school...

I met up with Crispo at my house. We went in my room to talk about the kiss. "So, Crispo, you heard what happened?" I asked. He nodded. "That's why I didn't text back." I said looking down. "Well, I asked you did you like it and do you want to kiss again." He said. "I liked it, and sure, I'll kiss you again." We leaned in and kissed. 

Someone was knocking on my door. We immediately stopped kissing. My mom opened the door. "Hey sweetie! I got a surprise for you..." She said excited. "I bought you a new phone!" She said. "Really? Awesome!" I said hugging my mom.

As she left the room I sat down on my bed to continue with Crispo. "So, Crispo." I said. "Yeah?" He said looking down. "Do you really think I'm pretty?" I asked. "CJ...You're more than pretty, you're beautiful!" He said. I smiled. "You mean that?" I asked smiling. "Of course, I mean it, I love you." He said looking deep in my eyes.

He loves me...Now I know the real truth. "I've been in love with you for years, Crispo." I said. "You're my soulmate forever." I said to him. "CJ, I've been wanting to tell you I love you but I thought it would mess up our friendship and you'd hate me." He said explaining to me. "I would never hate you!" I said. I hear a voice by my door. "Awe!" Ronbie said. "Ronbie! What are you doing here?!" I yelled. "Sorry, Ceej, I just overheard it." He said closing the door. 

I put my hand in Crispo's hand. He looked at our hands and then looked at me. "Crispo, will you be with me forever?" I asked looking in his eyes. "Wait, are you proposing to me?" He asked loudly. "No! But, I'm asking you if you want to be together forever no matter what." I said. "That's pretty much proposing, but yes I'll be with you forever until we die." He said deeply. My eyes widened. 

This is a weird ending tho lol but hope u like it! byeee!

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