Chapter 5

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I opened my eyes the next morning with bright light shining through the curtains. The sun so bright it almost blinded me! I sat up and stretched. I looked at Lexi who was hanging half on the bed, half off the bed. I laughed slightly as she snored away. I gently kicked her leg with my right foot and she suddenly woke. She sighed and sat up. "What time is it?" She mumbled sleepily. I yawned and looked at my phone. "Half seven" I answered. I got up and looked over at my calendar, which was hanging on the wall. "I'm pretty sure I'm meant to have my 3 month scan today.." I said as my eyes scanned the calendar until we found today's date.

I spotted it and saw 3 Month Scan in my scribbly handwriting. "I was right. Wanna come? I don't want to go on my own" I muttered, looking over at her. She shrugged. "Sure. I can call in sick" She said, grabbing her phone. She phoned the school whilst I went into the kitchen and clicked the kettle on. I pulled out two red mugs and made two hot steaming cups of tea. I brought them into the bedroom and she put down the phone. "Just called in sick, what times the scan?" She asked. I placed her tea on the bedside table beside her and then sat on the bed with her. "Around 12. So we have 4 and a half hours to do whatever" I yawned. Lexi got up and put the T.V on. She flicked through the channels until she got onto BBC News.

"BBC reporter Claire Hutcherson here, I'm here at London's biggest site - Big Ben! A young lad aged sixteen is here making an announcement to his ex girlfriend! She isn't in London no but she will hopefully be watching the news!" The reporter on the T.V said into the microphone. My heart raced as I hoped it was Kyle. The camera zoomed into a man standing on a stand with a microphone in front of hundreds of people. Me and Lexi stared at the T.V with our jaws open - obviously both thinking it was Kyle. "Ok, now for the announcement you all want to hear and see, I will have over sixteen year old Brett Jones!" The man said, stepping down from the stand and appearing some other lad. Everyone clapped and whistled wildly. Mine and Lexi's jaws closed, and we changed the channel to DAYBREAK MORNING NEWS instead.

"Well that's enough of that" Lexi said, sipping her tea. I took a mouthful of tea. I was kind of bummed that it wasn't Kyle but lets face it! Who in their right mind would travel to London from here to make a speech about me?! No one. I brushed my teeth and got into clean clothes. Lexi did the same. Whilst she was getting into new clothes, I stood in the kitchen, with a newspaper on the counter. I flicked the pages through until I found a really eye catching title that intrigued me. My sister died after her boyfriend dumper her was the title that caught my eye. I read the first 3 columns of the story before Lexi came in. I shut the newspaper and opened up all the curtains. I cleaned the kitchen and done the washing up. Lexi dried up and put away for me.

Then we sorted out the lounge; We opened the curtains, sorted out the cushions on the couch and  straightened up some furniture. We then made the bed in my room and opened the curtains in there too. Then it was around 11:00am. We got the bus to Stevenage. I sat next to the window and Lexi sat besides me. When we arrived in Stevenage, we walked to Lister Hospital. It took us half an hour to walk to the Lister. When we got there, the reception desk line was huge. I saw a newly mother in a wheelchair being pushed by her husband out the doors. She was carrying her new born baby boy, wrapped in blue cloth. She looked so happy yet so exhausted.

"This line is so Loooooooong!" Lexi moaned. I laughed. "Stop being a baby and suck it up princess. This is going to be you soon!" I said. She rolled her eyes. Minutes later we were first in line. "Can I help?" The receptionist called. I walked to her. "Hey uhm I'm Summer Pearce" I said quietly. "I'm here for my 3 month pregnancy scan with my...sister!" I added quickly. Lexi smiled weakly. She started typing into her computer. "Oh ok, Uhm Nurse Wimbledon will be here in a few minutes, please take a seat!" The receptionist said sweetly. I smiled and sat down with Lexi. "Sister?" She hissed im my ear. "I don't know, they might not let you in otherwise!" I snapped quietly. Then a nurse, in a blue pin with matching blue trousers and black plimsolls walked into the waiting room.

"Miss Summer Pearce?" She called. I stood up with Lexi. She smiled at me. "Just in time! Come on follow me!" She said. Her voice was welcoming and sweet. We followed her down several corridors and into a large room. When we got into the room she went over and sat on a wheelie desk chair. "I'm nurse Wimbledon. Who did you bring with you today? Wanna take your jacket off my lovely?" She added. I took off my jacket and gave it to Lexi, who was standing there awkwardly. "Uhm this is my sister, Lexi" I smiled weakly. "Oh hello Lexi! Nice to meet you. Ok Summer, can you lie down on this bed for me please and roll up your t shirt to the bottom of your bra please?" The nurse said. I layed on the bed and rolled up my shirt to the bottom of my bra, exposing my stomach. Lexi sat in the guest chair which was next to my 'bed'.

The nurse got a clipboard and started writing things down. "So your 3 months yes?" She asked me. I nodded. "Yeah, showing already" I laughed awkwardly. She smiled at me. I placed my hands on my stomach. The nurse put on Clingfilm disposable type gloves. "Ok this gel might be cold" She smiled. She squeezed a whole tube of clear gel onto my stomach. It was gold and made me gasp. She turnt on a monitor screen and used a pad to smear the gel around my stomach. She smoothed it all out equally. Once it was all smoothed out, she hovered the pad around until she got a clear picture of my baby.

Once she found it she smiled. "Here we are. Ok you see this round bit here? That's the baby's head" She smiled, pointing to a white ish circle shape on the screen. Lexi's eyes were fixed on the screen. I smiled looking at the image. "Here is the body" She smiled, running her index finger on the edge of an white shaped oval attached to the head. I smiled. I felt really happy knowing that was my baby on the screen. "Here are the legs" She said, pointing to two legs. She hovered over the picture for a while and then removed the pad. The picture on the screen vanished. She turnt the lights on and took off her gloves, putting them in the bin.

"How many copies would you like of this scan?" She asked me, smiling. I shrugged. "Uhm, 7?" I asked. She smiled and ticked a box on the clipboard. "Ok, that's £30 then please. Let me print these off and I will give you them. All A5 yeah?" She said, standing up. I nodded as she went into the room next to this one. I looked at Lexi. "That was amazing!" Lexi smiled. She had tears in her eyes. "Aww you big baby!" I laughed. She poked my arm playfully. The lady came back in with 7 prints of my baby. She put them all in an envelope and ceiled it. She gave me a towel and I wiped all the gel off of my stomach. I pulled my shirt back down and gave her a £20 pound note and a £10 note from my pocket. "Thank you. I look forward to seeing you in 2 months time!" She beamed at me.

I smiled and put on my jacket. Me and Lexi left the hospital, the envelop in my hand, as we waited at a bus stop. We sat on the bench and I got out a scan picture. I looked at it, smiling. "Why did you get 7?" Lexi asked me. "Well, one for mum and dad, one for Kyle if he wants it, one for my uncle Billy, one for my uncle bob, one for my baby photo album, one for my frame, and one spare if anyone looses theirs or wants one" I smiled. The bus arrived shortly after and we got onto it. I put the scan photo's back in the envelope and we sat down in the bus.

It was 2:00pm and we got the bus back into town. When we arrived I took us for a coffee. We went and sat in Costa Café where we got a mug of coffee and a chocolate muffin each. The coincidence of the day was my mum was in there. We sat on her table. "Hey mum. Well I went to my scan today. I have a photo for you and dad" I smiled, taking one photo out the envelope and giving it to my mum. Lexi sat next to me and smiled as she saw my mum's reaction. My mum started crying and hugged me over the table. She scrunched up some tissue which was in her pocket and dabbed her eyes.

I laughed. "Ok mum calm down!" I giggled. Lexi laughed too. I sipped my coffee. "Oh that's amazing. I wish you could move back home" She sighed. I shook my head. "Mum, even if I could, I wouldn't. I need to grow up and be a mum now" I said seriously. I gave her the two photos for Uncle Bob and Billy. My mum finished her cappuccino and left. I stayed in Costa Café for a little while with Lexi, drinking our coffee. After our coffee we went into Primark to buy a couple items of clothing.

I got 3 pairs of leggings, 2 new tops, slippers, dressing gown, pyjamas, socks, underwear, a pair of slip on shoes, and some lip gloss. Lexi didn't want anything even though I offered twice. I payed then we headed back to mine. I put my envelop in my Primark bags and put them on my bed when we got back to mine. We lounged around for a while, then Lexi went home. I went on my laptop and played around on Facebook and YouTube for a while.

Later that night I ran a steaming bath. I spent at least an hour in the bath just relaxing. Afterwards I got into my new pyjamas, slippers and dressing gown. I had a cup of tea and fell asleep on the sofa whilst watching Bad Boys II.

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