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I'm so tired i wanna sleep all day but im supposed to be meeting April and Sky at the mall today so i called Cameron
Cameron-yeah whatup
Me-can you drop me off at the mall
He sounded tired
Cameron-okay but you owe me
Me-ok whatever
Cameron-ok I'll be there in 10
So I know I'm supposed to have a car but when my mom first got it for me I crashed it at a McDonald's parking lot so no car for me no time soon.
I hopped in the shower then brushed my teeth you know the usual since it was 55 degrees today i decided to where my red and black Jordan suit I love were jogging suits their just so comfortable
********phone rings*****
Cameron-I'm outside
I ran down stairs and out the door
Cameron-hey princess
Me-hey cam
*******Car ride*******
The car ride we mostly talked and laughed
Cameron-bye princess want me to pick you up
Me-yes bye cam
Cameron-i'll miss you
I laughed
Me-I'll miss you too
We decided to meet by the fountain
When i saw them I saw a brown haired boy with dark blue eyes it definitely was naish I walked over to them we said our heys we shopped ate food at the food court April and naish was flirting with each other sky and I was talking about the dumbest stuff I love this girl so much 3 hours later i called Cameron because everyone had left i was there all alone me-can you come get me
Cameron-I'm on my way princess
I hung up the phone and romed around the mall I was oddly thinking about Cameron how he said he liked me I liked him too but would that make our relationship wierd i don't know im confused i haven't been in a relationship since 9th grade by the way I'm in 11th and 16
*******Phone rings*******
Cameron-i'm here
Once I got in the car i said hey to Cameron he asked if i wanted to go hang out with him at his house I said yes of course
******car drive******
Once we were all settled in the house he decided to watch Netflix
Cameron-what you wanna watch
Me-oh i don't know a scary movie
Cameron-of course you do
I got comfortable and layed on his bed
Me-i love your bed cam it's so soft
Cameron- yeah but it better with me in it
I laughed
Me-I'll go get the popcorn
Cameron-finally your doing it
Me-i do it sometimes
I said pouting
Cameron-yeah right
I went downstairs to get the popcorn then came back with a big bowl of popcorn
Cameron-It's starting
He padded a spot for me on his bed
I sat down we started eating the pop corn once we were done eating i started getting sleepy he layed me down on his chest i didn't mind
Cameron-goodnight princess
I dozed of when i awoke omg i got to get home i thought
Cameron-don't worry she knows your here
Cameron- i called her don't trip
I layed back down he put the cover on me I was facing him
Cameron-you remember i said you owed me
Cameron-Will you go on a date with me
Cameron-please princess i like you so much
I laughed
He pulled he into a hug and left kisses on my face i laughed at how excited he was we layed their for a bit before I left
******arriving home********

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